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Name:	Dinner.JPG 
Views:	164 
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ID:	73902
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What is it?
Fresh Organic Baby Romaine Salad, red onions, sauteed mushrooms, seasoned fresh cut string beans and aspargus steamed (King of veggies) and then drizzled with balsamic vinegar before making the salad and then finsished off with garlic parmesan shrimp (I bought at Wal-Mart beleive it or not) and small pieces of
fresh peaches. With fresh ground pepper and other spices to add the final touches. Awfully good and pretty good to look at. Ohh yeah and a glass of dark wine is a staple. Loaded with antioxidants. If you don't love this, you don't get it.

Notice variety, freshness, texture, and color are good my guides. Low energy density is desirable.

One thing you will also see about my meals are the weight; the meals are heavy in weight and quite filling. Yet, the high water content, which is key to weight, makes digestion fairly easy. And the energy density is low. Also notice there is no simple carbs and no manufactured food.

There are no recipes for meals like these, you just have to do them. And, if you can't do this on the fly how are you ever going to be lean and healthy?