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Thread: How is my cutting diet?

  1. #1

    How is my cutting diet?

    I am 6' 1/2" 196lb and about 17%bf or so. I want to get to like 9%.

    I train with Doggcrapp mon, wen, fri and do about 40min cardio on the other days.

    Breakfast:egg whites in vegitable oil. 1c oats w/ 1c skim milk. 24g whey. 1tbsp flax oil.

    Lunch: 2 slices wheat w/ turkey slices. 22 almonds. salad in vinegar.

    Snack: 1 chicken breast

    Preworkout: 24g whey

    Postworkout: 24g whey

    Dinner: chicken breast, 1tbsp olive oil, 1tbsp flax oil.

    Calories - 1987
    Fat - 80 (37%)
    Carbs - 106 (18%)
    Protein - 213 (44%)

    Please tell me if I can get this lean with this diet.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2003
    not good let me elaborate:

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by maxyogurt
    I am 6' 1/2" 196lb and about 17%bf or so. I want to get to like 9%.

    I train with Doggcrapp mon, wen, fri and do about 40min cardio on the other days.

    Breakfast:egg whites in vegitable oil. 1c oats w/ 1c skim milk. 24g whey. 1tbsp flax oil. LOSE THE VEGETABLE OIL AND SKIM MILK, GET RID OF THE FLAX

    Lunch: 2 slices wheat w/ turkey slices. 22 almonds. salad in vinegar. BAD ALL AROUND IN MY OPINION, TURKEY SANDWICHES ARE NOT GOOD FOR CUTTING PERIOD

    Snack: 1 chicken breast USE YOUR FLAX HERE

    Preworkout: 24g whey NOT NECESSARY, GET SOME REAL FOOD



    Calories - 1987
    Fat - 80 (37%)
    Carbs - 106 (18%)
    Protein - 213 (44%)

    Please tell me if I can get this lean with this diet.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2006
    West Virginia
    doesnt look too bad to me although you really need to get some vegetables in some of your meals. also many people will tell you not to mix carbs and fats in the same meal because carbs cause your body to release insulin which can cause the fat you eat with it to be stored as bodyfat.

    also for your snack i would eat some carbs with the chicken breast so when you workout your blood sugar wont be too low. and i would take in some kind of carbs with your PWO shake. this will help you replenish your glycogen stores and also help you release some insulin which will keep you from being in a catabolic state.

    if you do your cardio on days when you dont workout make sure you do it first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, this way you will not be burning calories you just ate and you will tap into your bodyfat easier. and if you need to you can always up the cardio to 5 or 6 days a week. the best times to do it are first thing in the morning and right after your workout before your PWO shake. if you do your cardio PWO you could get away with just 30min because you have already used your glycogen stores so you will start using bodyfat as fuel almost immediantly.

    also as with any cutting diet you need to monitor your progress very closely because you may need to add or subtract a few calories depending on how fast you are losing weight.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by maxyogurt
    I am 6' 1/2" 196lb and about 17%bf or so. I want to get to like 9%.

    I train with Doggcrapp mon, wen, fri and do about 40min cardio on the other days.

    Breakfast:egg whites in vegitable oil. 1c oats w/ 1c skim milk. 24g whey. 1tbsp flax oil.

    Lunch: 2 slices wheat w/ turkey slices. 22 almonds. salad in vinegar.

    Snack: 1 chicken breast

    Preworkout: 24g whey

    Postworkout: 24g whey

    Dinner: chicken breast, 1tbsp olive oil, 1tbsp flax oil.

    Calories - 1987
    Fat - 80 (37%)
    Carbs - 106 (18%)
    Protein - 213 (44%)

    Please tell me if I can get this lean with this diet.
    Probably, but you will most likely lose a shit load of muscle too. There are a # of things I would change. List macros for each meal and I can critique better.

  6. #6

    Edited Diet

    Tell me what you think about my new diet

    Breakfast:egg whites in vegitable oil. 1/2c oats. 24g whey.
    calories - 358
    fats - 4
    carbs - 34
    protein - 47

    Lunch: 24g whey, 2tbsp flax oil.
    calories - 380
    fats - 29
    carbs - 3
    proteins - 24

    Snack: Salad in red wine vinegar. Chicken breast.
    calories - 200
    fats - 4
    carbs - 0
    protein - 37.5

    Postworkout: 48g whey, 100g dextrose??
    calories - 612
    fats - 2
    carbs - 102
    protein - 48

    Snack: Salad, 1/2c oatmeal
    calories - 150
    fats - 3
    carbs - 27
    protein - 5

    Dinner: chicken breast, 1tbsp olive oil.
    calories - 320
    fats - 18
    carbs - 0
    protein - 37.5

    Calories - 2184
    Fat - 76 (32%)
    Carbs - 170 (29%)
    Protein - 205 (39%)

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2006
    overall not bad... BUT

    I think 100g is over kill.. if you know off say 40 grams. You drop your carb take to 130. I dont think 100g is needed IMO

  8. #8
    What can I do to make this diet GREAT and not "not bad"?

    Breakfast:egg whites in vegitable oil. 1/2c oats. 24g whey.
    calories - 358
    fats - 4
    carbs - 34
    protein - 47

    Lunch: 24g whey, 2tbsp flax oil.
    calories - 380
    fats - 29
    carbs - 3
    proteins - 24

    Snack: Salad in red wine vinegar. Chicken breast.
    calories - 200
    fats - 4
    carbs - 0
    protein - 37.5

    Postworkout: 48g whey, 40g dextrose??
    calories - 395
    fats - 2
    carbs - 46
    protein - 48

    Snack: Salad, 1/2c oatmeal
    calories - 150
    fats - 3
    carbs - 27
    protein - 5

    Dinner: chicken breast, 1tbsp olive oil.
    calories - 320
    fats - 18
    carbs - 0
    protein - 37.5

    Calories - 1967
    Fat - 76 (36%)
    Carbs - 114 (21%)
    Protein - 205 (43%)

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2006
    i would do maybe 40p 60carb... i just used 40 as an example...also you dont need dextrose. low gi crabs work just as fine.. b.rice,yams,oats

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by FaizakaFez
    i would do maybe 40p 60carb... i just used 40 as an example...also you dont need dextrose. low gi crabs work just as fine.. b.rice,yams,oats
    I read in the cutting sticky that dextrose should be used. Double the amount of protein. dextrose = 2xprotein.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by maxyogurt
    What can I do to make this diet GREAT and not "not bad"?

    Breakfast:egg whites in vegitable oil. 1/2c oats. 24g whey.
    calories - 358
    fats - 4
    carbs - 34
    protein - 47

    Lunch: 24g whey, 2tbsp flax oil.
    calories - 380
    fats - 29
    carbs - 3
    proteins - 24

    Snack: Salad in red wine vinegar. Chicken breast.
    calories - 200
    fats - 4
    carbs - 0
    protein - 37.5

    Postworkout: 48g whey, 40g dextrose??
    calories - 395
    fats - 2
    carbs - 46
    protein - 48

    Snack: Salad, 1/2c oatmeal
    calories - 150
    fats - 3
    carbs - 27
    protein - 5

    Dinner: chicken breast, 1tbsp olive oil.
    calories - 320
    fats - 18
    carbs - 0
    protein - 37.5

    Calories - 1967
    Fat - 76 (36%)
    Carbs - 114 (21%)
    Protein - 205 (43%)
    cals are a little low to begin with.
    Too much whey, IMO.
    Most meals have incomplete proteins.
    Eat more veggies.
    I would do oats(or banana)/whey PWO.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2006
    West Virginia
    Quote Originally Posted by maxyogurt
    What can I do to make this diet GREAT and not "not bad"?

    Breakfast:egg whites in vegitable oil. 1/2c oats. 24g whey.
    calories - 358
    fats - 4
    carbs - 34
    protein - 47

    Lunch: 24g whey, 2tbsp flax oil. switch from whey to a better protein source, chicken, tuna...etc
    calories - 380
    fats - 29
    carbs - 3
    proteins - 24

    Snack: Salad in red wine vinegar. Chicken breast.
    calories - 200
    fats - 4
    carbs - 0 i would get some complex carbs pre-WO so you wont be trying to working out with really low blood sugar
    protein - 37.5

    Postworkout: 48g whey, 40g dextrose??
    calories - 395
    fats - 2
    carbs - 46
    protein - 48 looks good to me, some will argue high GI carbs and some will argue low GI for PWO, I use high GI carbs, but it really doesnt make that big of difference because both will cause you to release insulin which will keep you in an anabolic state.

    Snack: Salad, 1/2c oatmeal
    calories - 150
    fats - 3
    carbs - 27
    protein - 5 this is your PPWO meal, the oats are good but you really need to add a good source of protein here, chicken, tuna...etc

    Dinner: chicken breast, 1tbsp olive oil.
    calories - 320
    fats - 18
    carbs - 0
    protein - 37.5

    Calories - 1967
    Fat - 76 (36%)
    Carbs - 114 (21%)
    Protein - 205 (43%)
    doesnt look bad, check out what i wrote in bold.

    also you only have one salad, and you dont say what it consists of. i would have at least 2-3 salads during the day and of course some vegetables are healthier than others. lettuce really doesnt have many nutrients in it, my favorite salad (not because of taste, lol) is spinach with fresh chopped carrots, broccoli, onions, tomatoes, and garlic. (in case you cant tell from my posts, im a huge fan of fresh garlic, extremely healthy)

    other than the changes i made your diet looks excellent, good luck

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    I agree with all the suggestions Zodiac made.
    "without your word you're a shell of a man" - Tupac

    ***Giants11 is a fictional character any advice given is purely for entertainment purposes, always consult a physician before taking any supplements, drugs or changing your diet.***

  14. #14
    ok tell me what you think now, i think my macros are messed up and maybe a bit too much carbs?

    Breakfast:egg whites in vegitable oil. 1/2c oats. 24g whey.
    calories - 358
    fats - 4
    carbs - 34
    protein - 47

    Lunch: tuna in mayo, 2tbsp flax oil.
    calories - 510
    fats - 41
    carbs - 0
    proteins - 35

    Snack: Salad(regular lettuce) in red wine vinegar. 2 slices whole wheat bread w/ ham&turkey.
    calories - 300
    fats - 6
    carbs - 20
    protein - 45.5

    Postworkout: 48g whey, 40g dextrose??
    calories - 395
    fats - 2
    carbs - 46
    protein - 48

    Snack: Salad, 1/2c oatmeal. chicken breast.
    calories - 350
    fats - 7
    carbs - 27
    protein - 42.5

    Dinner: chicken breast, 1tbsp olive oil.
    calories - 320
    fats - 18
    carbs - 0
    protein - 37.5

    Calories - 2402
    Fat - 93 (36%)
    Carbs - 131 (19%)
    Protein - 263 (45%)

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by maxyogurt
    ok tell me what you think now, i think my macros are messed up and maybe a bit too much carbs?

    Breakfast:egg whites in vegitable oil. 1/2c oats. 24g whey.
    calories - 358
    fats - 4
    carbs - 34
    protein - 47
    Drop the vegetable oil. Drop the whey here like we said.
    Lunch: tuna in mayo, 2tbsp flax oil.
    calories - 510
    fats - 41
    carbs - 0
    proteins - 35
    way too much fat here. Do like tuna/almonds or tuna/flax or tuna/mayo.
    Snack: Salad(regular lettuce) in red wine vinegar. 2 slices whole wheat bread w/ ham&turkey.
    calories - 300
    fats - 6
    carbs - 20
    protein - 45.5
    I would never eat bread while cutting. Eat oats, yam or some other low GI carb source.
    Postworkout: 48g whey, 40g dextrose??
    calories - 395
    fats - 2
    carbs - 46
    protein - 48
    I would do whey/oats, JMO.
    Snack: Salad, 1/2c oatmeal. chicken breast.
    calories - 350
    fats - 7
    carbs - 27
    protein - 42.5
    Dinner: chicken breast, 1tbsp olive oil.
    calories - 320
    fats - 18
    carbs - 0
    protein - 37.5
    Olive oil has more like 14g fat. recheck, but this meal looks fine.
    Calories - 2402
    Fat - 93 (36%)
    Carbs - 131 (19%)
    Protein - 263 (45%)
    Don't be afraid to up those carbs, look a little low to start out with. Your fat is way to high, try between 45-55g. Add more greens throughout your meals.

  16. #16
    Changed it, i'm going to have to bum another critique off of you oh and I eat in a marketplace. I have a college meal plan so my options are limited.

    Breakfast:egg whites. 1/2c oats.
    calories - 238
    fats - 3
    carbs - 31
    protein - 23

    Lunch: tuna in mayo, salad(lettuce)
    calories - 250
    fats - 12
    carbs - 0
    proteins - 35

    Snack: Salad(regular lettuce) in red wine vinegar. chicken breast. 1/2c oats.
    calories - 357
    fats - 6
    carbs - 27
    protein - 49

    Postworkout: 48g whey, 1/2c oats, green apple.
    calories - 515
    fats - 6
    carbs - 65
    protein - 53

    Snack: Salad, 1/2c oatmeal. chicken breast.
    calories - 350
    fats - 7
    carbs - 27
    protein - 42.5

    Dinner: chicken breast, salad.
    calories - 200
    fats - 3
    carbs - 0
    protein - 44

    Calories - 1924
    Fat - 37 (18%)
    Carbs - 150 (27%)
    Protein - 252 (55%)

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by maxyogurt
    Changed it, i'm going to have to bum another critique off of you oh and I eat in a marketplace. I have a college meal plan so my options are limited.

    Breakfast:egg whites. 1/2c oats.
    calories - 238
    fats - 3
    carbs - 31
    protein - 23

    Lunch: tuna in mayo, salad(lettuce)
    calories - 250
    fats - 12
    carbs - 0
    proteins - 35

    Snack: Salad(regular lettuce) in red wine vinegar. chicken breast. 1/2c oats.
    calories - 357
    fats - 6
    carbs - 27
    protein - 49

    Postworkout: 48g whey, 1/2c oats, green apple.
    calories - 515
    fats - 6
    carbs - 65
    protein - 53

    Snack: Salad, 1/2c oatmeal. chicken breast.
    calories - 350
    fats - 7
    carbs - 27
    protein - 42.5

    Dinner: chicken breast, salad.
    calories - 200
    fats - 3
    carbs - 0
    protein - 44

    Calories - 1924
    Fat - 37 (18%)
    Carbs - 150 (27%)
    Protein - 252 (55%)
    Your dinner meal is Incomplete protein. Your cals are still pretty low bro. I would start by reducing your maintenance cals by 20% and go from there. I would up your fat to 45-55g and depending how you react to carbs, try starting off at a little higher # and reducing them slowly.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    May 2006
    West Virginia
    Quote Originally Posted by maxyogurt
    Changed it, i'm going to have to bum another critique off of you oh and I eat in a marketplace. I have a college meal plan so my options are limited.

    Breakfast:egg whites. 1/2c oats. in my earlier post i meant replacing the shake in your lunch meal. egg whites and whey are perfect protein sources to start the day with. your body hasn't had any protein for about 8hours so some very fast absorbing protein (whey) and some slower absorbing protein (egg whites) are perfect right here. plus 23 grams of protein is not much after going 8 hours with no protein.
    calories - 238
    fats - 3
    carbs - 31
    protein - 23

    Lunch: tuna in mayo, salad(lettuce) looks good
    calories - 250
    fats - 12
    carbs - 0
    proteins - 35

    Snack: Salad(regular lettuce) in red wine vinegar. chicken breast. 1/2c oats. looks good
    calories - 357
    fats - 6
    carbs - 27
    protein - 49

    Postworkout: 48g whey, 1/2c oats, green apple. i like high GI carbs here (dextrose), but as long as you are getting some carbs you are good to go
    calories - 515
    fats - 6
    carbs - 65
    protein - 53

    Snack: Salad, 1/2c oatmeal. chicken breast. looks good
    calories - 350
    fats - 7
    carbs - 27
    protein - 42.5

    Dinner: chicken breast, salad. i would add some fat here (flax would be good). the fat will slow down the digestion of the protein so it will stay with you longer during the night
    calories - 200
    fats - 3
    carbs - 0
    protein - 44

    Calories - 1924
    Fat - 37 (18%)
    Carbs - 150 (27%)
    Protein - 252 (55%)
    like i said earlier, lettuce is not a very nutritious vegetable, if it is possible for you to eat the spinach, carrots, onions, broccoli, tomato, and garlic salad it would be much healthier. or even if you can add just a few of those vegetables it would be better.

    except for the changes i made to your first and last meal, i would say your diet looks excellent, well done.

    also as with any cutting diet make sure you monitor your progress very closely, if you are losing more than 2lbs a week, or you feel you are losing too much muscle by looking in the mirror, you will need to add 500cals or so. on the other hand if you are not losing any bodyfat and your weight is staying the same or going up, you will need to subtract a few calories (although with this diet i don't think this will be the case)

    now anyone can make up a diet, but the problem most people have is following it day after day. no matter if you feel tired, lazy, or depressed just stick with your diet, if you eat a pint of ben and jerrys it will just make you feel worse.

    again well done on the diet and have fun getting shredded!!!

  19. #19
    Just updating my progress. I weigh about 193lb now, down 3lb. My caliper is down about 1, from 12 to 11/10. What do you think? I also took a pic of all my loose skin+fat which I HATEEEEE
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Photo 15.jpg 
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ID:	74919   Click image for larger version. 

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  20. #20
    eh I am having trouble with the diet. I don't seem to be losing fat in my face. Granted, I weigh a few pounds less. But I don't look any leaner, in fact my face is a bit bigger and I hate having a fat face. What is the deal? I tried lowing the calories just a little but still...

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    how much cardio are you doing and when?

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Look behind you.
    Quote Originally Posted by maxyogurt
    eh I am having trouble with the diet. I don't seem to be losing fat in my face. Granted, I weigh a few pounds less. But I don't look any leaner, in fact my face is a bit bigger and I hate having a fat face. What is the deal? I tried lowing the calories just a little but still...
    It takes weeks to see results and months to finally get where you need to be. You've been at this for what? 2 weeks. Be patient.

  23. #23
    I workout 45min mon, wed, fri. I do cardio 45min tue, thurs, sat, sun. Both around 6:30pm.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    May 2006
    West Virginia
    Quote Originally Posted by maxyogurt
    I workout 45min mon, wed, fri. I do cardio 45min tue, thurs, sat, sun. Both around 6:30pm.
    you probably already know this but doing cardio first thing in the morning on an empty stomach really is the best time. you shouldnt have any calories from food left so your body will have to use mostly fat and a little muscle as fuel. you could always up the cardio to 6 days a week, but like said above you need to give your diet a few weeks and if you still feel you're not losing any fat lower the calories by a couple hundred by cutting out a few carbs and fat (as long as you are working out with a lot of intensity i would keep the protein fairly high)

    dont cheat, good luck and be patient

  25. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by zodiac666
    you probably already know this but doing cardio first thing in the morning on an empty stomach really is the best time. you shouldnt have any calories from food left so your body will have to use mostly fat and a little muscle as fuel. you could always up the cardio to 6 days a week, but like said above you need to give your diet a few weeks and if you still feel you're not losing any fat lower the calories by a couple hundred by cutting out a few carbs and fat (as long as you are working out with a lot of intensity i would keep the protein fairly high)

    dont cheat, good luck and be patient
    I appreciate it. I haven't made ANY progress lol I keep on cheating or drinking. Got to get on track. I am also taking oxodrol-12 but don't feel shit at 20mg. eh w/e what's done is done.

    btw, you are big as hell.

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