Well what Im simply stating is that its a far to broad comment

In general complex carbs are better. Not because the carbs themself are better. But because foods containing complex carb sources usualy contain vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals and other benifical things as a added bonus.
But when it comes to yoghurt it is on par because yoghurt is also rich in minerals and it is probably the best source of probiotics around.
So it would not make a difference in a cutting diet if a meal is say rice+protein or yoghurt+protein.
Granted I have a bit different viewpoint because I think a food should at first priority be healthy. Everything else takes second place. 70% of the immune system is centered around the digestive system and the healthy bacteria from yoghurt goes along way in keeping the entire body healthy. But a added bonus is that diary calcium promotes fat loss.
Im not going to forcefeed people yoghurt

But it surely is a option for a carb meal when cutting or bulking. Its one of those small things that are just to damn healthy to not eat