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Thread: CONTEST: Help G Child fix his sad diet!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Some kind of padded room...wearing some kinda white jacket...can't!

    Exclamation CONTEST: Help G Child fix his sad diet!

    I know that my diet needs some work so I'm hoping that some of you bros can help me out here some. Lets do the play by play on what I usually eat:

    Chicken Breast or some form of meat

    Protein shake

    Chicken and Rice

    Protein Bar, Shake or a can of chicken

    Chicken breast or canned chicken

    Protein Shake

    Chicken breast or some type of meat

    Protein Milkshake

    As you can see my diet sucks. Please help me out here, I'm in school all day so don't have time to eat and have to rely on shakes and bars a lot.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    I gave you a quick answer in the other forum.....but will elaborate here need more carbs even if you are cutting.....stat's and goals would be a plus here too bro.....let us see what you are working with and where you want to be, I am sure we can come up with something for you.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Some kind of padded room...wearing some kinda white jacket...can't!
    Thanks again for your help kizer... you seem to be the only one on the board today!

    6' 205lb 10% bf
    long blond hair, blue eyes, 36/24/36... oops, wrong discription...

    That was it though, just looking to put on some weight here, I've been stuck at 200-205 since January.

    I may be going on the CKD diet though in a few months, but haven't decided yet. Thanks again for your help bro.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Fuck a ckd, tkd and any other prefix you wanna add to a _kd.

    This is gonna be a hard one to follow bro, lol.....seems you would like to keep fat gain to a min, maybe lose some as well, and put on some mass at the same time......

    well here is what has been working very well for me. First I would say add t3 to your current cycle.....12.5 to 25mcg per day.....or you can do 5 random days per week and that will help keep your body guessing and to minimize the rebound effect when you discontinue its use, there is more info posted about this in the steroid discussion forum though.

    on to the training.......only lift can do a 3 way or a 4 way split whichever you AM cardio on your non training days, on an empty stomach of course.

    Now for the diet.......for non training days (cardio days) 10g fat (olive oil, flax seed oil, nat. pb, unsalted peanuts only sources) 35g carbs (oats, black beans, BROWN rice, green veggies, ONLY sources) 50g protein...mostly gonna be shakes it seems and that is okay....limit the red meat, try to stick to chicken and the sodium as well.

    Try to eat 6meals a day (duh) no more no less other wise the cals will be off a bit.

    Now for training days, keep the fat and the protein the same, but the carbs up to 50g per meal. Post workout, well this has been discussed ALOT here recently.....I recommend 33% dextrose 33% maltodextrin and 33% hydrolized whey.....measure out enough to get 100g carbs and 50g of protein, drink immediately after you finish training.....1-2hrs later eat another 100g carb meal consisting of the aforementioned carbohydrate sources and another 50g protein and 10g fat.....then resume the 10/50/50 schedule for the rest of your remaining meals....and yes I eat carbs before bed as well to help spare muscle.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Manchester, England
    IMO if bulking is what you want do limited cardio. Ensure you have a positive calorie balance of 500 per day. Eat more carbs. C a post in the workout forum entitled "Begginers guide to bulking". You need to eat at least 6 times a day with 40g protein at each meal and at least 70g carbs per meal. Flax seed oil 10mg a day is a good idea and also post workout nutrition as is stated above. This is only my opinion but why do so much cardio (burining off calories) when you are trying to put on muscle (to do this you must be in a positive calorie balance). Hope this has helped.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    G child,.. if you want to bulk,.. I have found that this works for me -

    I am an ectomorph(i gather you are a meso)... so I have to eat my ass off. I cycle my diet with moderate/high calorie intake,.... to FUCKING ANIMAL INTAKE. But I can not eat like a mad animal for to long.. my body really gets over it.

    So try uping the food intake,... carbs are our friends... and fat also. To many people are afraid of fat and carbs... if you are an endomorph fine but other wise... dont be scared.

    So this is how I have been doing it lately... I eat my regular 7 meals/day... but the last meal (I do this once to twice a week when bulking) I go halves with my training partner in a 21 piece bucket of KFC. Yes you heard me correctly....KFC... with the high daily food intake combined with 10.5 pieces of chicken and chips it will blow your calorie intake off the fucking ricktor scale. This IMO is very anabolic.

    Sure you get a little fat,... but look at a lot of Pro BB they are so fucking fat in the off season.... eg Lee priest (God love him) my training partner said "he looks like a fucking toad"(in the offseason). And it is true,.... but does it work... sure does... Bulking is bulking and cutting is cutting. Bulk, then rip the fat off... when your body is insulin sensitive after the cutting... and you are hungery as hell... bulk again.. and enjoy the rebound effect of your body. Cycle your diet like you cycle your training and gear.

    This is IMO the best way to incease muscle.

    1 other thing... I know you said you are busy,.. but dropping the shakes for a real meal is ideal... I am sure you know this... but I just thought I would bring it up.

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