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Thread: Please help - need as much advice as I can get on this!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    in my lounge

    Arrow Please help - need as much advice as I can get on this!!!

    ok here my stats:


    target: lean down to 12%bf keepin muscle not dropping past 84kgs

    main sports - muay thai, mma ... but been out of comp since Jan due to knee op . ... been doin recovery training & slow build up till summer, then training hard since summer

    current training routine: 3day split in the gym lifting heavy & i mean HEAVY ... never train less than 2hrs, 5days/week running (morning if work permits me to - otherwise in evening)

    no previous AAS experience unless you count clen in that dept which I have just fin my 5th week and had miserable to no results although my usage protocoll was spot on (confirmed by members here)

    my diet is good as far as I know:

    0700 1st breakfast: usually 2slices of wholemeal or dark rye bread with low fat spread cheese and low fat turkey sausage

    1000 2nd breakfast: big bowl of muesli w/o sugar with low fat milk (0.5%)

    1230 lunch: fish/chicken/lean beef - veggies - wholemeal pasta/boiled basmati rice/boiled potatoe

    1500 Protein Shake and Banana

    1700 (on training days) wholemeal (turkey or low fat spread cheese) sandwich

    1800 (training free days) evening meal: tuna salad, rye toast or something along the lines of potatoe soup with rye toast

    1900 - 2100 Gym (3days/week)

    2100 Protein Shake & Banana -> at bedtime on training free days

    alright! all that said ... clen no clen ... whatever I do - running, eating right, lifting heavy ... I do pack on strength and muscle but it seems like there s nothgin I can do to get past these damn 20% bf which are proving to be a right pain in the ass!! unfortunately I have no access to DNP .... so I am open to all suggestions and advice you have .... I want to be ready for my 1st cycle in January!

    thanks in advance for your help

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2006
    West Virginia
    to really critique your diet we need the macros for each many grams or protein, carbohydrates, fat and the total calories for each meal.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    in my lounge
    ok - with the amount of food i eat that's a lot detail i need to gather

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2006
    West Virginia
    its really all about how many and what kind of calories you eat and when you eat them. it is kind of pain in the ass to count calories but if you do take the time to do it dieting will be much easier. if you know how many calories you are eating and you arnt losing bodyfat you just drop 300 calories or so. check out the cutting sticky, it will give you a good idea of what range your macros should be in for each meal.

    also there are things that make you burn calories faster like clen, caffeine, ephedrine...etc, but they are nowhere near as important as having a good diet. they can make it much easier to burn fat when used with a good diet but obviously they speed you up so you need to be careful.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    in my lounge
    hey zodiac mate! thx for the detailed feedback ... yea I just realised - when I attempted to do it - that it's quite a bit of work to try and get a precise calory count I haven't gotten round to get it down to decimals ... which I should be able to do soon but as of now I can say that i am averaging 2800kcals/day

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