ok here my stats:
target: lean down to 12%bf keepin muscle not dropping past 84kgs
main sports - muay thai, mma ... but been out of comp since Jan due to knee op . ... been doin recovery training & slow build up till summer, then training hard since summer
current training routine: 3day split in the gym lifting heavy & i mean HEAVY ... never train less than 2hrs, 5days/week running (morning if work permits me to - otherwise in evening)
no previous AAS experience unless you count clen in that dept which I have just fin my 5th week and had miserable to no results although my usage protocoll was spot on (confirmed by members here)
my diet is good as far as I know:
0700 1st breakfast: usually 2slices of wholemeal or dark rye bread with low fat spread cheese and low fat turkey sausage
1000 2nd breakfast: big bowl of muesli w/o sugar with low fat milk (0.5%)
1230 lunch: fish/chicken/lean beef - veggies - wholemeal pasta/boiled basmati rice/boiled potatoe
1500 Protein Shake and Banana
1700 (on training days) wholemeal (turkey or low fat spread cheese) sandwich
1800 (training free days) evening meal: tuna salad, rye toast or something along the lines of potatoe soup with rye toast
1900 - 2100 Gym (3days/week)
2100 Protein Shake & Banana -> at bedtime on training free days
alright! all that said ... clen no clen ... whatever I do - running, eating right, lifting heavy ... I do pack on strength and muscle but it seems like there s nothgin I can do to get past these damn 20% bf which are proving to be a right pain in the ass!! unfortunately I have no access to DNP .... so I am open to all suggestions and advice you have .... I want to be ready for my 1st cycle in January!
thanks in advance for your help