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Thread: Clean Bulker..Please Critique

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Eating chicken with pasta

    Clean Bulker..Please Critique

    Hey bro's just wanted to post my current bulking diet for the winter. Any suggestions are welcome..please critique

    Meal 1 Pro/carb

    100g oats + 3 egg whites + 1 yogurt 0%fat + 1 scoop whey protein and one tbspn of honey

    meal 2 pro/carb

    110g whole wheat bread + 200g of chicken breast or chicken burger

    meal3 Pro/fat

    100g chicken breast + 1 mixed salad (mushrooms-1 pepper-1 tomato) + 1 tbspn of low fat mayo

    PWO meal

    1scoop of low carb whey + 1 banana

    PPWO meal

    460g of sweet patato (measured after boiling) + 200g chicken breast or tuna or lean ground beef + 1 diet cola

    Meal 6 Pro/fat

    1 Can of tuna in water with small salad (2 peppers) + 2 tbspns of vinegar and a tbspoon of flax or olive oil

    My stats are available in my profile, the goal for the winter is to bulk in lean mass while keeping bf low, until january, when i'll start me bulking cycle for this year.
    Please any suggestions and comments would be enlighting
    Thanx in advance
    Last edited by mamias20918756; 11-12-2006 at 08:00 AM.

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