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Thread: New to this.

  1. #1

    New to this.

    Hi people hows it going?

    About 5months ago i decided i was getting to fat and lazy and needed to do something about it.

    I have been doing lots of stuff that i never used to and i know i am at least getting fitter. I dont just want to fall over and die now.

    I am a 24yr old male who weighs in at 135 kg so 297 lbs.
    I am 180cm tall so about 5.9

    I have been poking around here the last couple of days and thought i would join.

    One of the things i was reading was that just about every one says to train in the morning. I just havent found a thread that says why. If some one could point me in the right direction that would be great.

    I currently do just about all my activity in the evening. Normally straight after work. I will generally ride my mtb bike prety solid for 45 - 60 min and other days i will jump on the cross trainer or walking machin for 20- 40 min depending on what i have on.

    I know my diet is what is letting me down so thats what i am here to work on.

    There is so much stuff here i got to try and take it all in.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2006
    West Virginia
    congratulations on taking the first step, you have a long way to go but all it takes is dedication. check out the cutting sticky thread to learn the basics and get a general idea of what your diet will look like.

    also people recommend doing your cardio in the morning on an empty stomach because since you have no food available you will start burning bodyfat much sooner.

    the next step is making up a good diet and workout schedule and then post them so we can help you fine tune them, good luck.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Hotel California
    Last edited by Ufa; 12-23-2006 at 09:46 AM.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by zodiac666
    also people recommend doing your cardio in the morning on an empty stomach because since you have no food available you will start burning bodyfat much sooner.
    Thanks for that. I guess it makes sence when you think about it.

    Also after checking out the cutting sticky and a couple of other cutting threads and loosing fat threads. If i wanted to copy basicly what they where doing how do i go about changing it to my weight?

    Do i just add more or take more off?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    IMO, I would suggest working towards a cutting type diet, but definately find one you WILL be able to stick too.
    I was tippin the scales 'round the same as you a couple of years ago and I just gradually improved my diet (always at a deficit) example: if you're 290 you prolly can eat 2700-2900 cals a day and lose weight moderately. And it is sometimes a good idea to switch it up calorie wise like 2700, 3000, 2500, 2900, etc. to keep the body guessing and preventing you from getting to the set point area where you're body will plateau...but at 290, i believe you have a while before you will approach that.
    As you better your diet gradually and maintain your cardio and resistance routine, you will crave a better and better diet and continue to improve every day.
    This at least is what has worked for me and I wish you the best.

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