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Thread: looking to make a diet for my superdrol

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2006

    looking to make a diet for my superdrol

    i plan on taken some superdrol here soon and i wanna make a diet thats gonna be perfect for on and pct so i can get the most gains and keep them.

    i'm no newbie just recently found this site, i'm over at,

    i'm 200lbs prolly around 16-18% bf
    been training 6 years solid and i'm 20 i am waiting a few months until i am almost 21 and researching alot on SD and everything so everything is perfect

    as of now i don't count alot i just eat what i can and when. i just eat clean. I sadly still live at home with my parents so bare with me

    can we make me a diet whats in the house? i hope so

    please thorw out some suggestions, i will try and go buy what i can but paying for college breaks my ass

    but i have stuff like

    peanut butter
    ham for sandwiches
    cottage cheese
    chicken patties lol
    milk of course which i drink alot of

    i sound like a total newbie here but i somewhat am in the diet department since ive always just ate to get huge.

    any help would be nice


  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Welcome to AR Russel, what are your goals for the cycle? that would help create the diet as for the foods on your list, i'd go with:

    peanut butter (if it's natural)
    cottage cheese
    pasta (get whole wheat)
    meat? (stick with lean meat such as chicken, turkey, lean beef, etc.)

    on top of that i'd definitely pick up some oats (they're dirt cheap, and another qualit source of carbs such as yams). hope this helps, throw us a little more info and you'll get some better responses.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    yeah sorry i was in somewhat of a rush, i still am trying to gain some size i've read of some people gaining 10+lbs on sd and i'd like to try to gain as much as possible and try to keep it.

    just trying to get huge, packing on some bodyfat isnt that much of a problem and its expect.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2003

    i'd go with something similar to this. i don't think you want to put on too much more body fat at 18%. no flame whatsoever. try forming a diet and post it up with the foods you have available. just make sure your diet is in check before you start SD. best of luck

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    get that diet in good bro, i gained 19 lbs on SD with a strict diet. halodrol helped me put on 10 lean lbs on a carb restricted diet. good luck! ima post a similar thread soon. last cycle of SD was on my own advice. i bet i would get better results with the help of everyone here!!!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    hawktribal thanks for the link i'll have to add more to that diet since its only 3k calories and i would like maybe 4-5k+

    also i don't think i actually have 18%bf i'm just not sure and haven't been tested in like 2 years, but maybe you could give me a rough idea with my link i gave up top to my profile

    violator1 could you post up a sample of what your strict diet consisted of?

    19lbs would be a dream come true and i coudl just imagine how much bigger you looked. throw me a pm i am curious on what your cycle looked like since i'm looking into a Sd and pp stack.

    thanks again guys!

    i also forgot to mention i like to eat hard boiled eggs without the yolk and that i am taken ISS's super vitamin pak as well as a gnc multi oil since i know those are very important

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    bump noone can help me out

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2006
    See the stickies at the top

  9. #9
    Join Date
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  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by DemonInside
    hawktribal thanks for the link i'll have to add more to that diet since its only 3k calories and i would like maybe 4-5k+

    also i don't think i actually have 18%bf i'm just not sure and haven't been tested in like 2 years, but maybe you could give me a rough idea with my link i gave up top to my profile

    violator1 could you post up a sample of what your strict diet consisted of?

    19lbs would be a dream come true and i coudl just imagine how much bigger you looked. throw me a pm i am curious on what your cycle looked like since i'm looking into a Sd and pp stack.

    thanks again guys!
    i also forgot to mention i like to eat hard boiled eggs without the yolk and that i am taken ISS's super vitamin pak as well as a gnc multi oil since i know those are very important
    don't stack them, that'd be hell on your liver. try this diet, it should work very well for you with SD.

    base your diet off that

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2003
    also off that diet, i'm not a fan of the fat/carb separation, but the diet is pretty solid. i've gotten great results including carbs in all of my meals so long as the fats are good fats

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    so i busted out the calculator and did some math

    for a ham sandwich (2 pieces of white bread, 1oz of cheese,4 slices of ham)and a 16oz glass of milk i got

    820 calories
    42g fat
    54g carbs
    42g protein

    Tuna sandwich+ 16 oz 2%milk
    555 calories
    10g fat
    54g carbs
    42g protein

    1 cup of dry oats mixed with peanutbutter+ 16oz 2%milk
    Fat: 47g
    Carbs 90g
    Protein 42

    8 eggs+1oz cheese+2 pieces of bread+1glass of milk
    Calories 820
    Fat 58
    Carbs 54
    Protein 74

    do these seem about right, the fat is always high it suprises me, i love milk and drink that or water so...yeah

    i am only at 4 meals so far and i want 8

    i'm shooting for arounf 4500-5000 calories
    around 300g of protein
    carbs the calculator came out to 700+ is that right cause if so i got alot to go
    fats i was hopen to keep under a 100 but that seems inpossible

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2003
    those meals aren't terrible, but you could certainly go with better choices. i would seriously stick with lean meats (chicken breasts, 96/higher ground beef, tuna, salmon, tilapia, egg whites etc.), oats, yams, whole wheat pasta, good fats (olive oil, natty pb, flax) and green veggies. these should be your staple. however, i understand your shooting for 4-5k calories so you might have to throw some other things in the mix that aren't so body builder ish... eating doesn't have to be perfect when your consuming that many calories a day, but the majority should come from those foods.

    the last thing that i'd add is i think you drink an excessive amount of milk. milk isn't bad for you by any means, but i'd switch to skim as opposed to 2%. once again this is just my opinion, but i'd bet a lot that this would work better for you.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    thanks for the reply liek i've said i am new to dieting and dieting useing whats available in the house, the thing is i'm still not sure if i am gonna even need 4500 cals for the superdrol cycle to gain mass, maybe 4k might do it but i would like atleast 4500 i think.

    your right i drink alot of milk but i love it lol. perhaps i could cut back on it and replace it with some cottage cheese or something.

    that link you gave me was a good one i'm looking that over alot and trying to fit a few things in.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by DemonInside
    so i busted out the calculator and did some math

    for a ham sandwich (2 pieces of white bread, 1oz of cheese,4 slices of ham)and a 16oz glass of milk i got

    820 calories
    42g fat
    54g carbs
    42g protein

    Tuna sandwich+ 16 oz 2%milk
    555 calories
    10g fat
    54g carbs
    42g protein

    1 cup of dry oats mixed with peanutbutter+ 16oz 2%milk
    Fat: 47g
    Carbs 90g
    Protein 42

    8 eggs+1oz cheese+2 pieces of bread+1glass of milk
    Calories 820
    Fat 58
    Carbs 54
    Protein 74

    do these seem about right, the fat is always high it suprises me, i love milk and drink that or water so...yeah

    i am only at 4 meals so far and i want 8

    i'm shooting for arounf 4500-5000 calories
    around 300g of protein
    carbs the calculator came out to 700+ is that right cause if so i got alot to go
    fats i was hopen to keep under a 100 but that seems inpossible
    You are onoy at 4 meals and each one of them is pathetic....sorry some research, you aren't ready for superdrol.......

  16. #16
    Join Date
    May 2006
    for a ham sandwich (2 pieces of white bread, 1oz of cheese,4 slices of ham)and a 16oz glass of milk i got

    820 calories
    42g fat
    54g carbs
    42g protein
    This meal is terrible ham is not a good choice 42 grams of fat in one serving is alot and from a poor source of fat. How bout if your not an oatmeal person brown rice and chicken?

    Tuna sandwich+ 16 oz 2%milk
    555 calories
    10g fat
    54g carbs
    42g protein
    Some what decent meal here

    1 cup of dry oats mixed with peanutbutter+ 16oz 2%milk
    Fat: 47g
    Carbs 90g
    Protein 42
    160z of milk is about 16 grams of protein i belive... Seconldy this meal is not complete your pretty much eating Carbs and fat no protein in this meal

    8 eggs+1oz cheese+2 pieces of bread+1glass of milk
    Calories 820
    Fat 58
    Carbs 54
    Protein 74

    i'm shooting for arounf 4500-5000 calories
    around 300g of protein
    What are you stats again 4500-5000 calories? your going to get fat VERY VERY FAST. Your not eating enough to put it simply. You have alot of work to do... look at sample bulking diets. being at home is not an excuse either i live at home i do my groceries though

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    i wouldn't say i'm not ready for superdrol, its just i'm not ready for it because of my diet isn't in check. not maken excuses i'm just admitting i'm a newbie when it comes to

    as for stats
    far from impressive but

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    If that is really you, how can you call yourself a newbie? AAnd you must have some hellava genetics to have zero clue on how to eat, yet good up my friend.....whatever you are doing is working.....

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Columbus
    If that is really you, how can you call yourself a newbie? AAnd you must have some hellava genetics to have zero clue on how to eat, yet good up my friend.....whatever you are doing is working.....
    i call my self a newbie in the diet area, since i've never had a set diet ever i just ate everything but tried to eat clean. from what i posted up is some stuff i eat but it got shot down so obviously i could be doing even better with a real good diet.

    i'm going to continue with some more reading before class today and see what i can come up with.


  20. #20
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by DemonInside
    i wouldn't say i'm not ready for superdrol, its just i'm not ready for it because of my diet isn't in check. not maken excuses i'm just admitting i'm a newbie when it comes to

    as for stats
    far from impressive but
    if your diet isn't in check then your not ready for steroids. you have a real solid base so props for that, but get your diet in check before you start. sure you'll gain off what you have been eating, but you'll see MUCH better results with a good diet. you are what you eat, it really is that simple.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    hence my post

    i'm in no way in any rush to jump into them

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