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Thread: im a fatass help 260 26 percent bodyfat

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    im a fatass help 260 26 percent bodyfat

    hi guys i hope i got your attention i have done about 5 cycles before test cyp , test e, dbol , deca, they were mild cycles and 4 and 5 th cycle were big doses. im 260 26 percent bodyfat diet is okay no fast food at all maybe subway sometimes. i cheat once a week normal diet chicken breasts, alot of them rice, pasta, eggs, my goal is to get down to 15 percent bodyfat exactly what do i have to do how much cardio and what weight will i reach at 15 percent bodyfat any idea. how many times a week.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    ... hoenstly man i had a buddy who in last febuary was 230... he now weighs 165.. pretty cut... he used to cardio twice a day for like 8 months striahgt.. an hour in the morning (on an empty stomach)and half hour after his work out... i dunno everyone is different but it worked for him... eat clean and cardio like its your favorite thing to do... u will see results faster and be happier with ur self!

    p.s. go look on the diet forums... there is awsome info on good cutting diets, and good meals to pick from to!!

    simple thing to think about tho... burn more calories than yer taking in... and you will loose weight man

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    okay so i do 1.5 hrs cardio and expect to hold on to all my muscle good advice . i dont wanna lose the 200 pds of muscle i do hold on to at 260 26 percent bodyfat. the question i have is how much cardio do i do a week and how long. and what is key lower carbs or fats or protein any tips im up at 26 percent bodyfat something i aint happy about my goal is to get to 15 percent bodyfat . how much fat do i have to lose sorry my math sucks.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    except the facts//// gain mass=some gain in fat..... cutting down= some muscle losss.... you have to face the facts man you cant have the ebst of both worlds at once... and eat lotsa carbs

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    you dont ness. have to loose muscle but ur a fat ass you said.. and im sure u just wanna looose weight fast, just like my buddy did... so unless u wanna weight 2 years to get skinny stop being fokin lazy and cardio.... i dont care wat you think cardio and diet man... that'll help loose ur weight... and listen to wat i said about looking at the educational threads on diet... there is a wicked post on there for cutting

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    and for ur information 1.5 hours of cardio isnt really that much in a whole day... most guys do at least 30 min even when bulking, or else u get fat and look "dirty" cardio will help u look tight.. so in ur case 1.5 hours isnt that much.... go big or go home!!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    lol " im up at 26 percent bodyfat something i aint happy about my goal is to get to 15 percent bodyfat"

    you want someone to say hey man do 15 min of cardio a day and u will get skinny.... **** man your exactly like my friend, like identical...

    but one day u will just say **** it.. and actually listen to people

    your not gonna go from 26% to 15 % with the drop of a hat...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    I went from 128kg (281lbs.) to 109kg (239lbs) in 3 months and kept most of my muscle mass and maybe gained a little (without anabolics.) I just changed up my diet and did 30 minutes of cardio 5 days a week. If you want to lose weight you need to focus on your diet first. Cardio and exercise are secondary to diet.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    thanks math wise though im wondering im 260 26 percent bodyfat how much do i have to lose to get to 15 percent bodyfat anyone know

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    lol...english much guy? Not as simple as math cus it has to do with your muscle as well. Don't concentrate so much on the scale number.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Try 30mins every morning on an empty stomach and the same in the evening after a protien fat meal. Make sure you are consuming maintenance claories or just below. If you keep your heart rate at the correct level you should hold onto muscle pretty much. The equation for correct HR is 220 - age x .7 =
    Mine is 130 (im 30) so i try to keep within a few digits of 130 HR whenver i do cardio.

    If you stop dropping fat then lower cals (carbs would be the first thing i would lower). Drink loads of ice cold water and green tea.
    There is no way anyone can tell you how long it will take to reach your desired goal. It is personal to you. If you dedicate 100% I would think about 15-20 weeks would be attainable.

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