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Thread: CUtting Diet; Please criqtique

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2003

    CUtting Diet; Please criqtique

    I am 240, about 14%, and 6'2.
    I am currently on a cycle of: 100mg Prop / 75mg Tren EOD, with 40mg winny ED

    My diet is as follows:
    Basically is is 300g pro, 150g carbs and 60g fats. approx 2400cKal's.

    Meal 1: 1/2 cup oats, 3 egg whites, 2 whole eggs, scoop of 24g whey
    Meal 2: Pro Meal Shake, 48g pro/ 15g carbs, 2tbsp flax
    Meal 3: 8oz lean meat, veggies
    Meal 4: PWO, 50g pro, 50g dextrose
    Meal 5: 8 oz lean meat, 1/2 cup brown rice, veggies
    Meal 6: Pro Meal Shake, 48g pro/ 15g carbs, 2tbsp flax

    ANy suggestions?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2006
    West Virginia
    Quote Originally Posted by pmacdona51
    I am 240, about 14%, and 6'2.
    I am currently on a cycle of: 100mg Prop / 75mg Tren EOD, with 40mg winny ED

    My diet is as follows:
    Basically is is 300g pro, 150g carbs and 60g fats. approx 2400cKal's.

    Meal 1: 1/2 cup oats, 3 egg whites, 2 whole eggs, scoop of 24g whey
    Meal 2: Pro Meal Shake, 48g pro/ 15g carbs, 2tbsp flax
    Meal 3: 8oz lean meat, veggies
    Meal 4: PWO, 50g pro, 50g dextrose
    Meal 5: 8 oz lean meat, 1/2 cup brown rice, veggies
    Meal 6: Pro Meal Shake, 48g pro/ 15g carbs, 2tbsp flax

    ANy suggestions?
    diet looks great to me, only thing i would do is add some good complex carbs (oats, rice...) to meal 3 so your blood sugar wont be low when you workout. also i dont know what a pro meal shake is but if it is a fast absorbing protein i would switch it to a lean meat or at least a slower digesting powder like casein. good luck

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