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  1. #1
    bballcrf is offline New Member
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    10 beers a day and all fast food

    whats up fellas im new here and am wantin to make some changes.Heres my story.Up till about age 25 i did have good history with lifting weights,often being asked what stacks im doing,but i never have,im 34 now and dont know what happened, i eat fast food 3-4 times dailey,and average 10 beers nightly.Im 5,7 and weigh 230,im guessing 23%body fat.I have been reading this forum for about 4 hrs now,and recently bought some winstrol and trenbolone to aid in fat loss,but after reading,that plan has been put off for a while.I need to lose some weight and get my eating in check.So my question is with the huge amounts i eat daily and all the daily beers,should i crash into these fat cutting diets,right away?Couple of cans of tuna and chicken breasts, should i do it slowly or like smoking cold turkey?i dont smoke either. I just bought a stationary cycle (cant do treadmill-knees)and will do an hour a day on an empty stomach in the am.thanks guys i have the weight lifting down just need advice on eating habits.

  2. #2
    mavsluva's Avatar
    mavsluva is offline "Gone but not forgotten" 10/11/07
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    Eliminate the fast food and the beer and you've got an excellent start.

    Good luck!

  3. #3
    JC2007 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bballcrf
    whats up fellas im new here and am wantin to make some changes.Heres my story.Up till about age 25 i did have good history with lifting weights,often being asked what stacks im doing,but i never have,im 34 now and dont know what happened, i eat fast food 3-4 times dailey,and average 10 beers nightly.Im 5,7 and weigh 230,im guessing 23%body fat.I have been reading this forum for about 4 hrs now,and recently bought some winstrol and trenbolone to aid in fat loss,but after reading,that plan has been put off for a while.I need to lose some weight and get my eating in check.So my question is with the huge amounts i eat daily and all the daily beers,should i crash into these fat cutting diets,right away?Couple of cans of tuna and chicken breasts, should i do it slowly or like smoking cold turkey?i dont smoke either. I just bought a stationary cycle (cant do treadmill-knees)and will do an hour a day on an empty stomach in the am.thanks guys i have the weight lifting down just need advice on eating habits.
    Take a look at the cutting sticky at the top of the page... Read it. Then create a diet fit for your needs...

    Drop the beer and fast food and do morning cardio on an empty stomach for about 45 minutes. Don't eat carbs too late... Try that for a month and you will have a great start...

  4. #4
    spound's Avatar
    spound is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bballcrf
    whats up fellas im new here and am wantin to make some changes.Heres my story.Up till about age 25 i did have good history with lifting weights,often being asked what stacks im doing,but i never have,im 34 now and dont know what happened, i eat fast food 3-4 times dailey,and average 10 beers nightly.Im 5,7 and weigh 230,im guessing 23%body fat.I have been reading this forum for about 4 hrs now,and recently bought some winstrol and trenbolone to aid in fat loss,but after reading,that plan has been put off for a while.I need to lose some weight and get my eating in check.So my question is with the huge amounts i eat daily and all the daily beers,should i crash into these fat cutting diets,right away?Couple of cans of tuna and chicken breasts, should i do it slowly or like smoking cold turkey?i dont smoke either. I just bought a stationary cycle (cant do treadmill-knees)and will do an hour a day on an empty stomach in the am.thanks guys i have the weight lifting down just need advice on eating habits.
    Honestly bro, I would jsut cut out the junk and the beer at first and start doing cardio a couple times per week for 20-30 minutes and lifting 3-4 days a week to start off.....this alone shoudl yield HUGE changes right off the bat, due to how poor/non-existant your training and diet are at the moment. THis will keep you from being burnt out....that could be a tough change. Just start making your food at home so you know it's healthy, make sure you are eating some healthy fats such as almonds, penuts, fish oil, flax, olive oil etc and your carbs are healthy and complex coming form oats, fruit, potatoes, yams, even whole wheat bread in your case. Keep you protein pretty high with eggs, tuna, chicken, turkey, beef, fish etc and you will be off to a damn good start. Once your progression has stagnated, you can take a step back and look at the details and get thigns sorted out from there to get another kcikstart in progress. I wouldn't worry about macro percentages etc just yet.

  5. #5
    bballcrf is offline New Member
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    some are saying they like to cook their food on sunday for the week, whats that mean? What foods. also glutamine,should i add that into the new eating habits?i remember i used to take that daily.Ive also started multi vits. dailey, and what does a lean cut of steak mean?
    Last edited by bballcrf; 11-19-2006 at 05:46 PM.

  6. #6
    mavsluva's Avatar
    mavsluva is offline "Gone but not forgotten" 10/11/07
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    It means you cook a TON of meat, rice, veggies, etc. on Sunday that you can then use throughout the up and coming week. I do this myself and it's a life saver.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by mavsluva
    It means you cook a TON of meat, rice, veggies, etc. on Sunday that you can then use throughout the up and coming week. I do this myself and it's a life saver.
    mmmmm....GENIUS. Thats exactly what I need to do. Wow, so simple. I will probably gain 20 lbs in a month. That is my whole problem, I am just not handy in the kitchen and am prone to eating 3 microwave dinners instead of what I need to, due to time constraints. Awesome.

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