i amcurrently on the 3rd week of my dieting. i am cycleing winny @ 50mg/day and prop/tren EOD. My diet is as follows
I do 30-40min of Cardio @ 130BPM Everyday
Breakfast: 1cup outmeal, Whey shake, fruit. 65C/50P/10F
Snack: Chicken Salad: 5C/50P/5F
Lunch: Cup Brown Rice, LEan Protien, Veggies 50C/50P/10F
PWO Shake: Whey, 1cup Low Cal. Cran Juice, 3 rice Cakes 60C/50P/10F
Lean Protein Snack: 0C/50P/5F
Snack: Cottage Cheese, Tuna, Tomato: 5C/50P/5F
Snack: Shake @ 50P/10F
Total = 350g Protien, 185g Carbs, 55g Fat Total Cals= 2635cKal / Day