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Thread: New Blood Work..High CK3!?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Los Angeles, CA

    New Blood Work..High CK3!?

    I recently did blood work. Everything showed as test level was at 832, and everything else was looking good.....Except one thing.

    My Dr. told me that my Creatine Kynase levels were at a staggering 1440!! Normal levels are between 25-200. Apparently it has something to do with muscle breakdown and it's putting a strain on my kidneys.

    Does anyone know anything about this product. Please help me out here. Anything info and/or input would be helpful. Thanks bro's.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    hold on bro, r u sayin you are takin creatine, or just wondering if you should ever try it cuz of your current bloods?

    if on creatine, go off. then test again. doesnt mean you have to avoid it. creatine supplementation usually elevate creatinine(byproduct of creatine) excretion, but this is not harful. not sure bout the creatine kinase though.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    I'm here and there.
    Quote Originally Posted by H20Crazy
    I recently did blood work. Everything showed as test level was at 832, and everything else was looking good.....Except one thing.

    My Dr. told me that my Creatine Kynase levels were at a staggering 1440!! Normal levels are between 25-200. Apparently it has something to do with muscle breakdown and it's putting a strain on my kidneys.

    Does anyone know anything about this product. Please help me out here. Anything info and/or input would be helpful. Thanks bro's.
    Do you mean creatine phosphokinase?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Los Angeles, CA
    Already asked, Doc told me that Creatine Kynase has nothing to do with the supplementation of Creatine....Kynase is produced naturally by the body. Levels direct correlate with lifting weights. 0% has to do with supplementation of any product.

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