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Thread: Diet Check Please

  1. #1

    Diet Check Please

    i did show like almost 4 weeks ago and ended up dropping alot of bodyfat....ALmost four weeks later, im still very hard and vascular, but my bodyweight has only gone from 176lbs(contest weight) to now 190lbs. A few of the guys at the gym tell me that right now i should be eating like a pig and gaining as much weight as i can, but i dont think thats right because its the reason why i has such a hard time cutting weight, i was just too fat when i started. So ive been eating food similiar to what i was eating during the prep, but now i just eat alot more, especially carbs. Previously, i was drinking alot of shakes with alot of caloroes; i would drink at least 2-3 a day. Now, the only sjake i use is after i lift. This is a similar diet that ive been following, let me know if i should adjust something.....My goal this offseason is to keep my BF around 10%; right now i think this is where im at. I am also training naturally at the moment. Another thing, now matter how much i eat, i cant get full.....what i mean is il eat a plate full of food, then 1 hour later, my stomach is rumbling, and people are like youre eating again?

    Meal 1: 10 egg whites
    1 cup oats (dry)
    1 yolk
    1 banana
    Handfull of Raisins, i put them in my oatmeal

    Meal 2: 6oz of chicken breast (cooked weight)
    1/2 cup brown rice (dry weight)
    veggies (brocolli usually)

    Meal 3: Post workout
    6 rice cakes and 2 scoops of whey (read this in the comp forum, started doing it, and like what its doing)

    Meal 4: 6 oz of protein (steak, chicken fish....cooked weight)
    1 baked potato

    Meal 5: 6 oz of preotein
    1/2 cup of brown rice

    Meal 6: 10 oz of cottage cheese
    2 table spoons of Natural Peanut Butter

    Meal 7: (Sometimes im still hungry, usually when i wake up in the mddle of the night, and il eat some more chicken or steak, or cottage cheese)
    Last edited by Uconish; 12-30-2006 at 12:43 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Georgia and Texas
    It doesn't look like you are eating enough least not to me. It is hard to say b/c I do not know your body, but my protein is at 10oz of meat for 7 meals throughout the day...about 420 grams. I would up your protein to 8oz at each meal instead of the listed 6oz. I also do not think your fats are high enough. I would throw in about 10 grams of fat in each meal (except PWO and PPWO meals) and go from there. DO that and see how you respond. If you still feel like you could use more food (you may be gaining a little, but not as fast as you would like to, and you are still staying lean) THEN either up your fats a little more, or slowly add in carbs in 50-100gram increments. You see, there is really no magical baseline or magical macronutrient ratio for everyone. You just have to start out with a balanced diet with plenty of protien and sufficient healthy fats and some carbs and then make one small adjustment at a time to see how you respond to accomplish the gains you are looking for. By changing just one thing at a time, this will eliminate other variables so you will know exactly how you respond to certain things. I would also recommend having a very high carb day once per week where you eliminate most of the fats on that day as well....just high carbs and protein.

  3. #3
    ive measured the amount of proein in my diet and it hovers around 300 grams, sometimes more. The 6oz of meat is the cooked weight, and that equates 54 grams of proetein per meal. I think im going to add some more protein to my breakfast, maybe a scoop of whey or some cottage cheese, and add a little more fat to my meals. I forgot to mention i eat one yolk with my egg whites in the morning. Spound, what is your offseason bodyweight. I want mine to be around 205 with a pretty low bf.....i remember you saying you werent gonna let yourself get fat as hell anymore, well i feel the same way, but trust me i am eating alot of food....more now than evr before.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Georgia and Texas
    Quote Originally Posted by Uconish
    ive measured the amount of proein in my diet and it hovers around 300 grams, sometimes more. The 6oz of meat is the cooked weight, and that equates 54 grams of proetein per meal. I think im going to add some more protein to my breakfast, maybe a scoop of whey or some cottage cheese, and add a little more fat to my meals. I forgot to mention i eat one yolk with my egg whites in the morning. Spound, what is your offseason bodyweight. I want mine to be around 205 with a pretty low bf.....i remember you saying you werent gonna let yourself get fat as hell anymore, well i feel the same way, but trust me i am eating alot of food....more now than evr before.
    Well that explains it. All my weights are raw measure.

    As far as my offseason weight is ever changing really. I am no where near the size I need to be yet to fill out my frame therefore it changes month to month..year to year. I will gain heavily and if I feel I am getting too soft, I will SLOWLY cut back 10 lbs or so and then re-start. I woke up the other morning and my weight was 247lbs. Sometimes it will be 242 sometimes 248 LOL. I hold water easliy, that is the reason for the fluctuations. In the evenings right now by bodyweight is sitting in the mid to low 250's. I should hopefully hit the 260 mark at some point this offseason, although I am a little softer than I would like to be so right now I am scheduled to hit a short, slow diet around february to "clean up" a little bit. However, I am a tall guy with a large frame. I will not be happy untill I am sitting at around 280lbs with decent bodyfat in the offseason.

    It is always good to take time off, but If I were you I would have stayed on the supps for at least 6 weeks after your show, granted your bloodwork looked ok...this is a very anabolic time for you.

    I would throw another yolk in the with your eggs in the morning and some more fat in the other meals as well, that is the main flaw I see at the moment. THink about this...the body NEEDS fats to perform its bodily functions. Believe it or not...the body can survive and function properly without ANY carbs at all. However, protein and fats are essential. That's why they are called ESSENTIAL fatty acids. THink about it. You don't want to short your body on will hurt you in more ways than just limiting growth.

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