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Thread: Cutting diet - macros and everything

  1. #1

    Thumbs up Cutting diet - macros and everything, tell me what u think

    21 years old
    230 pounds
    14% body fat

    hope to reach single digit body fat without dropping below 210, planning on doing this about 8 weeks

    normally eat high protien but would not say healthy at all... subs, bugers, tacos. so im really trying to start eating better and cut up

    10 Meal 1: 10 Egg Whites 170/36/2/1

    1 cup Oatmeal – 297/11/55/5

    12 Meal 2: 2 protien scoops 224/46/5/3

    1 Tbsp Flax Seed Oil 120/0/0/14

    3 Meal 3: 8oz of white-meat turkey breast 310/6/0/1

    8OZ Sweet Potato 72/3/26/0

    6 Work out- shake

    2 protein scoops- 224/46/5/3

    2 tbsp natural peanut butter 190/8/4/16

    Banana -200/2/51/1

    7 Meal 4: 8oz Chicken 250/50/0/2

    1 Cup Broccoli 55/4/11/0

    10 Meal 5: 8oz Chicken 250/50/0/2

    1 Cup Broccoli 55/4/11/0

    1 Meal 6: 2 scoops protein 224/46/5/3
    1 Tbsp Flax Seed Oil 120/0/0/14

    3 Meal 7: Lean protein snack 120/20/2/2

    2881 calories, 326g protein 214g carbs, 67g fat RMR- 1976
    Last edited by dstyle42004; 03-21-2007 at 12:16 AM.

  2. #2
    what do you guys think? any adviice or comments?

  3. #3
    Your post workout shake i would get carbs instead of peanut butter on the lifting days. I like to get a 2-1 ratio of carbs to protein and prefer something like 80grams of dextrose. On the cardio days protein and natty peanut butter is fine or i would recommend protein and flax after a cardio workout.
    Also meal 7 the lean protein snake i would recommend cottage cheese, you need casien protein before bed so you are not catabolic for nearly as long.

    Almost forgot.. meal 4 the brocolli and chicken i would add 1/2 - 1 cup of oats or 1/2 or 1 cup of brown rice.

  4. #4
    Half your meals are protein shakes and you don't want PB (fat) as part of your PWO nutrition.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Act as if...
    Macros looks good, only thing i would suggest is if it is a cutting diet cut out all protein shakes that arent PWO (ill be trying this shortly myself), and cut out the PB.. jm2c.. Gl

  6. #6
    thanks guys. Im planning on adding some brown rice to meal 4 and subtracting the PB from my post workout shake. The high protien snack i was using for my last meal was stallone pudding, im sure some of you guys have heard of it.. thinking about replacing that with some cottage cheese.

  7. #7
    Stallone pudding = junk.. it's whey protein, not a good choice for a prebedtime meal.
    -B D

    [email protected]
    If asking cycle advice Post up Stats/previous cycle experience/goals!

    If asking diet advice Post Stats/current diet/goals!

    “Your desire to change must be greater than your desire to stay the same.”

    I B D
    AR VET

  8. #8
    cool, so looks like im pretty much on with thoes few changes. im planning on starting in a few more weeks so i will post my progress

  9. #9
    any other suggestions or advice?

  10. #10
    Yea, update your diet and repost it. the one above isn't a good approach.

  11. #11

    10 Meal 1: 10 Egg Whites 170/36/2/1

    1 cup Oatmeal – 297/11/55/5

    12 Meal 2: 2 protien scoops 224/46/5/3

    1 Tbsp Flax Seed Oil 120/0/0/14

    3 Meal 3: 8oz of white-meat turkey breast 310/6/0/1

    8OZ Sweet Potato 72/3/26/0

    6 Work out- shake

    2 protein scoops- 224/46/5/3

    Banana -200/2/51/1

    7 Meal 4: 8oz Chicken 250/50/0/2

    1 Cup Broccoli 55/4/11/0

    1 Cup Brown Rice 150/4/33/1

    10 Meal 5: 8oz Chicken 250/50/0/2

    1 Cup Broccoli 55/4/11/0

    1 Meal 6: 2 scoops protein 224/46/5/3
    1 Tbsp Flax Seed Oil 120/0/0/14

    3 Meal 7: 200g cottage cheese 1%. 144/26/6/2

    2937 calories, 341g protein 242g carbs, 53g fat
    Last edited by dstyle42004; 01-10-2007 at 02:09 AM.

  12. #12
    so what u guys think of the updated version?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    are u using this for cutting D?

  14. #14
    yep for cutting

  15. #15
    can someone approve this for me or do i need more changes before i start

  16. #16
    any help?

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by dstyle42004

    10 Meal 1: Good
    10 Egg Whites 170/36/2/1

    1 cup Oatmeal – 297/11/55/5

    12 Meal 2: I'd drop the shake and go with a solid fatty protein source with green veggies to boost metabolism.. Try steak/salmon/pork loin/lamb/lean ground beef with green beans/spinach salad/broccoli etc...
    2 protien scoops 224/46/5/3

    1 Tbsp Flax Seed Oil 120/0/0/14

    3 Meal 3: Good, but you may want to replace Yam with White potatoes or white rice here being this is your preworkout meal.
    8oz of white-meat turkey breast 310/6/0/1

    8OZ Sweet Potato 72/3/26/0 Are you sure about 8oz Yam being 26carbs?

    6 Work out- I'll say o.k. to this being it's PWO.

    2 protein scoops- 224/46/5/3

    Banana -200/2/51/1

    7 Meal 4: Drop the broccoli here, you need fast absorption, the fiber in this meal will hinder this.
    8oz Chicken 250/50/0/2

    1 Cup Broccoli 55/4/11/0

    1 Cup Brown Rice 150/4/33/1

    10 Meal 5: Good, may want to go with a moderately fatty meat here, Turkey would be a good choice but chicken is o.k.
    8oz Chicken 250/50/0/2

    1 Cup Broccoli 55/4/11/0

    1 Meal 6: I'd go with Chicken and flax over whey anyday. Remember you're calorie deficient, there is no room for liquid meals IMO, the idea is to keep the metabolism burning hot.
    2 scoops protein 224/46/5/3
    1 Tbsp Flax Seed Oil 120/0/0/14

    3 Meal 7: good choice of protein but you may want to ingest some fiber here as well to help slow protein breakdown, spinach salad would be a good choice with balsamic vinegar or non-fat/sugar dressing.
    200g cottage cheese 1%. 144/26/6/2

    2937 calories, 341g protein 242g carbs, 53g fat
    Not bad bro.
    -B D

    [email protected]
    If asking cycle advice Post up Stats/previous cycle experience/goals!

    If asking diet advice Post Stats/current diet/goals!

    “Your desire to change must be greater than your desire to stay the same.”

    I B D
    AR VET

  18. #18
    thanks alot for your advice I plan on making a few of your suggested changes before I start in March

  19. #19
    ok bros i have started my diet 3 days ago and have been following the changes recomended by IBdmfkr. The problem is that this seems like it is almost too much food to eat i have to force the food down sometimes and im supppose to be cutting. im thinking of reducing my meats to 6 ounces, reducing my oatmeal to half cups. would this be a good idea? currently im consumming around 2900 cals and my RMR is 1976. I do 20 min of cardio pwo and am moderatly active. any advice? thanks

  20. #20
    another weird thing is im down 4 pounds over the last 3 days

  21. #21
    Reduce your calories to 2500 and hold them there for a few weeks, Not sure how 2900 calories is a lot of food, you must've had a horrible diet before this and not been eating very frequently.

    Keep us posted.

  22. #22
    thats exactly it my diet has always been horrible. I didnt kno how to eat right untill being on this board and im glad im making the changes. before the diet i would eat only 2 or 3 huge meals a day. I have been lifting for about 7 years and if i was eating right id probably be looking alot better.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Nowhere, USA
    You're going to love having a high quality diet. It makes all the difference.

  24. #24
    ok bros i have been on my diet for 1 week now. i have lost about 5 pounds but my body fat has not changed, according to the electronic handheld tester i am still at 14%. i realize it takes longer then the first week to see changes but im still waiting. i also think i need to slow the weight loss down to 2 or 3 pounds a week so im not loosing muscle mass. another thing i need to be honest about is that i have not been eating my exact weights of food. i have however been eating only the food i am suppose to and already feel alot better.

  25. #25
    I really feel like my metabolism has picked up. I eat small portions and am hunrgy again in an hour. Iv recently been eating 5 bites of food 10 times throughout the day which i heard is very good. Im upping my intake of carbs and protien due to loosing the weight too fast to slow it down. Its been about a week and a half and im down 6 pounds. havent check body fat since monday ( someone told me the handheld testers are trash anyway)

  26. #26
    The electronic handhend monitor is not accurate, go by the mirror/tape measure and scale if you have to.

  27. #27
    Its now been a little over 2 weeks and things are going good so far. Im down 7 pounds and im starting to see a change. im really getting use to this and its not too bad at all.

  28. #28
    hey guys, i havent been on in a while but i just wanted to report back about my results. I stuck to the last diet on the forum for about 6 weeks. i ended up going from 230 down to 210 during that time, sine i was losing the weight too fast i decided to ditch the diet and just eat clean. today i weighed 203 and feel alot better. im in good shape and glad i did it. my goal from here is to maintain my lower body fat and put on 15 pounds of muscle.

  29. #29
    Great job so far, keep it up bro... Keep us posted.

    How's the diet been looking lately?
    -B D

    [email protected]
    If asking cycle advice Post up Stats/previous cycle experience/goals!

    If asking diet advice Post Stats/current diet/goals!

    “Your desire to change must be greater than your desire to stay the same.”

    I B D
    AR VET

  30. #30
    Sounds like you're kickin' ass dude. Sweet deal. Keep it up. Not everyone can do it, be proud.

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Westchester County, NY
    Any updates?

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