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Thread: Tap Water???

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Tap Water???

    I go to school up in Albany and always use the sink water for my protein shakes and some water intake...

    I came across a post saying sink water can be toxic..
    is any of this true?

  2. #2
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    Tap water, depending on your location, may contain many impurities. Poor plumbing can also lead to poor quality tap water.

    I avoid unfiltered tap water at all costs. If I don't get my H2O from a filtered outlet I get it bottled.

    H2O is a crucial element in all aspects of health. Best to get it in the best form possible IMO.

  3. #3
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    also depends if the tap is a direct or indirect water source. meaning is the water stored in a tank or does it come from the main line.
    like shrpskn said also depends on location.
    many local authorities also supplement the water with chemicals.

  4. #4
    for the most part tap water sucks...i even wish i could bath in bottled water but that would just cost to much not to inlclude all the plumbing i would have to do lol

  5. #5
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    try to stay away from it i have heard to much stuff from tap water in little towns

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by felony
    for the most part tap water sucks...i even wish i could bath in bottled water but that would just cost to much not to inlclude all the plumbing i would have to do lol
    maybe if you live in mexico. tap water in the u.s. is the best water on the planet. what other country in the world could convince people that bottled water is better? lol. especially when bottled water is processed tap water!! water from the tap is fine people. if it irks ya that much put a filter on the tap.

  7. #7
    the huge difference between tap water and bottled water is reverse osmosis or hydro-7 filtering which removes all impurities so saying bottled water is the same as tap water is wrong

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by felony
    the huge difference between tap water and bottled water is reverse osmosis or hydro-7 filtering which removes all impurities to comparing bottled water to tap water is not right.
    impurities that we can all live with. dont remember the last time a doctor told someone that they had 6 months to live and they can thank their tap water. my home in new york has well water but my home in fla has city. all i ever hear is people bitchin about the water in fla. too much chlorine, not enough, lead, mercury, waste. gimme a break. wont kill ya. so instead they spend 200 a month on bottled water and cant pay their health insurance if they did get ill. lol.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    riding styles donkey
    south east uk tap water tastes rough.
    in some countries they tell you not to drink the tap water.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by donniebrasco
    south east uk tap water tastes rough.
    in some countries they tell you not to drink the tap water.
    agreed. that is one think ya take for granted when travelling outside the u.s.

  11. #11
    over hundreds of impurities and toxins ranging from chlorine to prescription anti depressants ill just stick to my bottled water. oh an since i live in las vegas all of our sewage drains into lake mead. take a guess where we get our drinking water from...lake mead. spending 30-40 dollars a month on bottled water isnt seeming like a bad idea

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1819
    if it irks ya that much put a filter on the tap.
    It does irk me that much, hence the reason our tap is filtered.

    We get an annual report from the city that tells us what is all in the city's water...some categories have consistantly remained below national standards, particularily the radium element which is very directly related to causing cancer. And this is a US city mind you.
    You would be surprised if you knew what was all in the tap water that you drink everyday.

    I still don't drink even the filtered tap water here, but do use it for washing dishware and what not.

    Sorry man, but I value my health enough to spend that extra money a month for bottled water or filters for my faucet. It really isn't as expensive as you make it out to be.

    And who said anything about anyone not being able to afford their health insurance because they are spending too much money on bottled water?? C'mon man, get real.

    Quote Originally Posted by 1819
    so instead they spend 200 a month on bottled water and cant pay their health insurance if they did get ill.
    They?!?...Where? Who?....define they.

    Just because you might not be able to afford to install a filter on your tap or afford to purchase a bottle of water doesn't mean the rest of the world can't afford it.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    I live in Michigan. I have 20% of the world's fresh water right in my back yard.

    What about a inexpensive filter, or a Brita type of set-up for yourself?

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Primalinstinct
    I live in Michigan. I have 20% of the world's fresh water right in my back yard.

    What about a inexpensive filter, or a Brita type of set-up for yourself?
    I don't know if I would call it "fresh water", lol....very polluted.

    Yes, an inexpensive Brita-type filter is a good decision.

  15. #15
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    Feb 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by shrpskn
    It does irk me that much, hence the reason our tap is filtered.

    We get an annual report from the city that tells us what is all in the city's water...some categories have consistantly remained below national standards, particularily the radium element which is very directly related to causing cancer. And this is a US city mind you.
    You would be surprised if you knew what was all in the tap water that you drink everyday.

    I still don't drink even the filtered tap water here, but do use it for washing dishware and what not.

    Sorry man, but I value my health enough to spend that extra money a month for bottled water or filters for my faucet. It really isn't as expensive as you make it out to be.

    And who said anything about anyone not being able to afford their health insurance because they are spending too much money on bottled water?? C'mon man, get real.

    They?!?...Where? Who?....define they.

    Just because you might not be able to afford to install a filter on your tap or afford to purchase a bottle of water doesn't mean the rest of the world can't afford it.

    first off the health insurance part was a joke. the point was people spending money to drink bottled water to be trendy is stupid. and the reports you get from the town, great idea. how bout getting one from the bottled water companies. you'd be shocked! and as far as being healthy tap water got me to 39. as far as being able to afford a filter. played hockey for a living. form your own conclusion.

  16. #16
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    My conclusion is that your not as knowledgeable as you should be for your age...maybe one too many blows to the head when you played hockey??

    BTW, what the hell does hockey have to do with the topic of tap water in this thread?

    And I do have independant lab tests on the bottled water that I drink and you would be shocked to see the difference in that and the sewer water you've been drinking for the last 39 years.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by shrpskn
    My conclusion is that your not as knowledgeable as you should be for your age...maybe one too many blows to the head when you played hockey??

    BTW, what the hell does hockey have to do with the topic of tap water in this thread?

    And I do have independant lab tests on the bottled water that I drink and you would be shocked to see the difference in that and the sewer water you've been drinking for the last 39 years.
    lol. maybe. i listed my job when u said i couldnt afford a filter. lol. anyway. the whole rant started when, at the gym, a while back i had a conversation with a kid in his early 20's who was bitching about not being able to afford his health insurance while literally spendin 8 bucks on bottled water in front of me. i told him to hit the tap and save the 8 bucks a day and it would add up. i do have a filtration system on my house in florida and i think its a good idea. i just dont see the harm in the tap. old school i guess.

  18. #18
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    ^^ Damn!...$8/ed for bottled water...was he getting that shit from the fountain of youth?

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by shrpskn
    ^^ Damn!...$8/ed for bottled water...was he getting that shit from the fountain of youth?
    he bought 2 bottles 4 bucks a shot. it was actually a store conveniently located right next to a boxing gym. go figure. if ya put a gun to the clerks head you go to jail but they can hit ya for 4 dollar water and gatorades!

  20. #20
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    ^ Sign of the times.

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    New York
    Actually Tap water has a fluoride compound in it that supposedly helps your teeth.. depending on the location, it is advised to drink the tap water. Besides the only thing that sucks about U.S. tap water would be the taste. The water is brought through tests to determine its purity for consumption. Living on long island New york, the tap water actually taste better than bottled water so I just stick to tap

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by noexcuses88
    Actually Tap water has a fluoride compound in it that supposedly helps your teeth.. depending on the location, it is advised to drink the tap water. Besides the only thing that sucks about U.S. tap water would be the taste. The water is brought through tests to determine its purity for consumption. Living on long island New york, the tap water actually taste better than bottled water so I just stick to tap
    True. Dentists I've talked to say this has been effective in the U.S.

  23. #23
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    new york city
    ive been drinking nyc tap water as long as i can recall....and i still havent mutated into a freak it cant be all that bad:P actually yes...the guys above are right about impurities and deposits and whatnot:P

  24. #24
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    ^^Fluoride in tap water is a whole other debate...there are critics and there are advocates.

    There are other ways to get fluoride for your teeth than government tainted tap water...for example, brushing your teeth with fluoride toothpaste???

    As to government tests to ensure purity and safety for human consumption? It's B.S. There has been a debate going on in my city for years now on what the local government should do or isn't doing to lower radium levels in the city water system that are well out side of government standards...this gives me more than sufficient reason to get an alternative source for drinking water.

    Short term, all these things may not have an impact, but long term...I don't want to know.

  25. #25
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    May 2004
    i don't have to worry about purity.

    I live on an island which is composed of coral and limestone.. These sub-layers are a natural filtration system.. and as rain water has to seep tru tonnes of it, by the time it reaches the underground springs it is pure. Water catchment areas are also regulated so no development (housing; agriculture etc.) can take place there.

    That being said.. the purity of your tap water depends on a lot of things: source (including use of surrounding lands); collection route (contamination); flitration and correlated treatment procedure.. Also contamination can occur via the end-user (choice/degredation of piping... etc.)

    Personally.. i'd research your area before i took another sip.

    Quote Originally Posted by donniebrasco
    south east uk tap water tastes rough.
    in some countries they tell you not to drink the tap water.
    This disclaimer isn't usually supplied because of contaminants.. but because of the micro-organism content and make-up of a region's tap-water.

    If you live in the USA all you life..and you drink tap water you've ingested and built a tolerance to certain strains of micro-organisms.

    When you change environments (i.e. travel).. and you ingest tap water from another region you may be exposed to microbes that you have no tolerance for.

    That's why some travellers get diaorhea.

  26. #26
    Join Date
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    If its brown drink it down.....

    If its black send it back

  27. #27
    Join Date
    May 2004

    I stayed in South America in 2004 (Guyana).

    I had heard that water could come from taps brown.. but i had never seen it.

    The water in Guyana was like coffee

    I think it was because of very rich mineral deposits.

    Whatever it was.. i didn't even want to bathe in it

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