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Thread: Ok let's see now if i'm right on the diet,macros,etc! =)

  1. #1

    Ok let's see now if i'm right on the diet,macros,etc! =)

    Ok guys i supposed to correct the things here,like i said i'm 27 .5'6", 180lbs
    i'm trying to bulk and this is my diet with changed things

    8 egg whites 24/0/0/116
    instant oat 100grms 14/80/8.5/300

    200grms meat pure fillet this one have doubt 40/00/39/420
    1 rice white cup 4/53/0/242

    1:00pm before workout
    1/2 cottage cheese 13/4/2/90
    1 baked potato 2/26/0/57
    1 banana 2/51/1/200

    2:00-2:30pm after workout
    1 rice white cup 4/53/0/242
    creatine 0/75/0/320
    protein shake 20/4/1/110

    1 chicken breast 200 grms 34/0/5/194
    1/2 rice white cup 2/26/0/121

    200grms tilapia fish 50/0/7/256
    half avocado 3/12/22/240

    11:00 or 12:00
    time to sleep,i'm thinking on add a night protein here!

    protein=210 Carbs=376 Fat=70.5 Calories=3068

    What you guys think about it???is it right or really bad diet???

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    I would up the protein a little and just becareful with the carbs. You idea of adding protein at night might be the solution.
    You will have to add more "wholesome meals" pre and post workout. i.e get some meat in those meals

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Prada
    I would up the protein a little and just becareful with the carbs. You idea of adding protein at night might be the solution.
    You will have to add more "wholesome meals" pre and post workout. i.e get some meat in those meals
    seems like i will move my meat,and split it half part 100grms before and half 100grms after work out,and the cottage cheese will be moved to the aftertoon as a snack!!

    what do you guys think aboout it??

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Your carbs are too high IMO...

    Also at 14% bf be careful bro your dont wanna shoot to 16%

    Will you being doing cardio ?

    i would add a protein/fat meal before bed.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by FaizakaFez
    Your carbs are too high IMO...

    Also at 14% bf be careful bro your dont wanna shoot to 16%

    Will you being doing cardio ?

    i would add a protein/fat meal before bed.

    also you dont wanna shoot to 16-18% bf

  6. #6
    oops i thought those carbs were right on the last treat =(
    i dont want to do cardio =P
    ok how good is on 300grms???or still too high???

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2006
    if you dont do cardio thats a pretty good recipie for getting fat...

  8. #8
    i'm trying to bulk,but dont want to be fat,is it enough with 300grms??
    what you think about it??
    i only warm up befor workout 7-10mins
    and 10mins after workout!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Well if you don't do cardio you will get fat since your already sitting at 14-15%.

    What your doing is not enough.

    I think 300 is a bit high imo... BUT its hard to say how you react to it.. what do your total cals come out?

  10. #10
    i'm lifting heavy from monday to friday but i;m starting those first set on 20reps and the other 2 sets of 8~10reps,
    my MRI supposed to be 2400 i add those 700cals for the excersice,but with the calc from muscletech it says around 370grms of carbs,with moderate training!
    and 340 with light training,how many carbs do you thing is a good way to start on me??250??200 sounds a litle bit ??

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