hey I am thinking of changing my diet up as I would like to get a head start on my summer cutter by doing a bit of a lean bulk to add some mass and remove a few points of BF and work on some weak areas. I am sitting at 190 right now around 13-14% BF. I haven't figured out the macros but I am thinking of doing cardio post workout as my job only allows me to eat once so I can't get a meal in between lunch and my post workout shake. I am sure it can use some work but I have never done anything but straight bulk as I started at 145 lbs.
Meal 1: 2 whole eggs and 4 whites, 1/2 cup of oatmeal
Meal 2: Chicken breast and veggies
Meal 3: Post work out shake (approx 800 calories, 60 grams of protien and 50 grams of carbs) on none work out days I will replace with with whole food
Meal 4: Two ground turkey burgers and a sweet potato or 1/2 cup of brown rice
Meal 5: Protien shake and PB & J sandwhich made with whole wheat bread and natural PB.