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Thread: New diet idea

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    New York

    New diet idea

    hey I am thinking of changing my diet up as I would like to get a head start on my summer cutter by doing a bit of a lean bulk to add some mass and remove a few points of BF and work on some weak areas. I am sitting at 190 right now around 13-14% BF. I haven't figured out the macros but I am thinking of doing cardio post workout as my job only allows me to eat once so I can't get a meal in between lunch and my post workout shake. I am sure it can use some work but I have never done anything but straight bulk as I started at 145 lbs.

    Meal 1: 2 whole eggs and 4 whites, 1/2 cup of oatmeal
    Meal 2: Chicken breast and veggies
    Meal 3: Post work out shake (approx 800 calories, 60 grams of protien and 50 grams of carbs) on none work out days I will replace with with whole food
    Meal 4: Two ground turkey burgers and a sweet potato or 1/2 cup of brown rice
    Meal 5: Protien shake and PB & J sandwhich made with whole wheat bread and natural PB.

  2. #2
    I think your diet needs alot of work. Youre really only eating 3 solid meals a day. Thats a no no. Split your meals into 5 solid meals and one post workout meal replacement shake. Secondly, you need to add more food to your diet. Up your protein and carb intake, and drop the bread. Your EFA's are also very low. I have written a diet out which im going to follow, its a few threads below this one......check out what im planning on doing, and i weigh the same as you.

  3. #3
    agreed, I'd passout on that many calories.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    His diet reminds me.....the sticky says that carbs should only be breakfast, PWO, and PPWO...yet they say to eat carbs before a workout. So...that would mean you should workout like an hour after you eat breakfast? Meaning like....2 hours after you do cardio?

  5. #5
    Not quite, also many of the stickies IMO shouldn't still be stickies.

    There is nothing at all wrong with eating carbs with each meal and still dropping bodyfat.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by I**mfkr
    Not quite, also many of the stickies IMO shouldn't still be stickies.

    There is nothing at all wrong with eating carbs with each meal and still dropping bodyfat.
    Agreed...I eat carbs all meals all day and I lose bodyfat regularly.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    New York
    I guess I totally missed the mark on what I need to drop body fat. Can anyone point me in the direction of how many calories I should really shoot for?

  8. #8
    At 190lbs and approx 15% bodyfat you're not holding a ton of muscle so I'd start by upping the number of meals you eat during the day and dropping the amount of shakes you take in, this alone will raise your metabolism.
    As far as calories go, shoot for around 2500/day and slowly work your way backwards as you see fit.
    I'd start with these macros:
    300g Protein
    200g Carbs
    50g Fat

    Split this into 6meals.
    So each meal should contain approx:
    50g protein
    35g carbs
    5-10g fat

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    New York
    ok that sounds good. I will go back to the drawing board and see what I come up with.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by I**mfkr
    Not quite, also many of the stickies IMO shouldn't still be stickies.

    There is nothing at all wrong with eating carbs with each meal and still dropping bodyfat.

    aw crap, really? ive been basing my entire diet off the cutting sticky...

    so how does one determine how many carbs he should have if hes trying to lose bodyfat and does 60 mins AM cardio, works out, is 19, weighs 170 ibs? i currently take in about

    45g fat
    180g carbs
    160g protein
    Last edited by wakatak87; 01-26-2007 at 12:15 AM.

  11. #11
    You perform an educated guess and then tinker with it until you find your maintenance calories.. This is easier done without doing cardio until you find that number.

    You didn't mention your bodyfat so we have no idea how much LBM you hold.

    Also, it's best to start a new thread and not hijack this one
    From the looks of your macros you're barely hitting 2000calories, but if you're 170lbs and chubby then your LBM is probably not very high so 2000 might be a good start.

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