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Thread: have a problem

  1. #1

    have a problem

    hey guys
    i have a problem with my protein intake. it hurts my stomach too much. also my stools are like rocks (they have a little blood on them) and i am constipated. this all started happening right after i started to boost up my protein intake drastically. (about 200-300 grams/day). any tips or advice. i started to have more fiber recently so i don't know if it is helping yet. i have never had this much protein in my diet before so this is new to me. please help me. thanks.

    btw, most of my protein was coming from cottage cheese and chicken or beaf. more recently i have been mixing it up though, tuna, egg whites, and other cheeses.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    South Africa
    water, water, water and dare i say, water.

    that did the trick for me. i wasnt having enough - also had blood on the rocks (excuse the pun). having about 4 - 5 litres wanter now. maybe try some prune juice - just a bit and just for like a month or so until u get used to the protein

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Cut back on the cheeses. If I were you I would limit my cheese source to low fat cottage cheese. Even though dairy is high in vitamins and a decent source of protein it should not be a major part of your diet.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Long Beach, Ca
    Way to go Pete ...

    Yeh I would say cut dairy first completly out for a week ... add a lil fruit in your diet maybe a couple apples 1 in morning and 1 in afternoon ... Make sure water is you main fluid ( or ONLY FLUID )
    and veggies must be added with your Protein ( MEATS ) at those meals ... PS ... whats your protein shake stats ..... check label and repost ... its possible your protein shake is causing some of this as well .... good luck bro

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind
    Everyone made fabulous points. But one good way to keep "regular" is to take a hefty anount of fiber in. Now this doesn't mean, go buy some "grandma" fiber supplement shit, you can get all the fiber you need through diet, and then some. Try Fiber General Mills, it only has 60 calories, 14g fiber per 1/2 CUP!!! Have one serving in the morning with breakfast, and one serving before you go to bed at night, along with fibrous veggies with almost every meal, and i guarantee you to be regular by tomorrow morning.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2001


    big poppa?did you say fabulous?!like oh my new louis vitton purse is fabulous?hahaha.just busting your was FABULOUS reading that!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Long Beach, Ca
    If its just regularity your looking for then take something like what Papa mentioned .... I would rather you look into your eating regimen for a salution to a problem that your causing ....
    good luck bro....

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Eat plenty of fibre and make sure it is from natural foods.Should be no excuses I mean a bowl of Bran flakes or something like that should give you enough fibre for a day.Cut back on lots of eggs because they can cause constipation.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    South Carolina
    1.Water and from what I read here most people do like 2 gallons, which means there is no way to be constipated.

    2. Let's not forget the fibrous veggies like broccoli. spinach, cali-flower.

    3. EFA's (olive oil, avacados, flax, salmon and other fresh water fish.

    4. Smaller amounts of protein...could be that your servings are too large.

    5. And you've been told already about the dairy... That alone may solve your problem.

  10. #10
    hey thanks guys
    all your advice is very clear and helpful. i will make sure i get enough water. i just bought some prunes and dried apricots too. my protein shake is a metrx milk chocolate flavored supplement called protein plus. it has 46 grams of protein/serving plus what the lowfat milk has that blends with it, glutamine, high in lactoferrin, and live active bio-peptides. i usually have one/day after the gym because it gets very expensive. btw, the cheese that i mostly eat IS lowfat cottage cheese with fruit in it. i am not so sure why this isn't good. i have about one 1 lb container daily. now, if i have my tons of fiber, would it be okay to keep eating the cottage cheese? it is probably the best natural source of protein out there with 64 grams/lb! (besides tuna). anyway thanks again.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Long Beach, Ca
    Just a quicky brother ....

    Drop the milk in your protein drink and use ONLY water ...

    That will help BIG Time ..... That protein drink is a large sack of clay in your stomach, once your stomach has extracted all the water out of it ......

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    South Carolina
    Low fat cottage cheese is great! However, many people that have stomach related problems are lactose intolerant, and if you think that may be a problem then take a lactaid before you eat your cottage cheese. That should fix the problem if it is indeed a lactose problem. Also try to keep the variety in your diet for protein. There are benefits to all types. An example is that Soy protien promotes the release of GH...while Whey does not. I'll check to see if there is a thread on the benefits of each type of protein...and if not I'll start one.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    There is no place like ho

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 1969


    Although drinking water is a good idea, there are some side effects of increasing your protein real high. You are putting alot of stress on our kidneys, to much in fact and if you were at the doctors office and he did a urinalizse on you he would swear your kidneys were failing. That's what happened to me. I explained to him that my diet was high in protien. Of course he was not thrilled to say the lest.
    But muscle mass gains needs protien, and lots of it. That's just all there is to it. If your stmach is hurting you and you are experienceing blood in your stools, the chance of excess protien in your diet being the culprit is not likely as it could be many things. That is a major sympton of the unset of kidney stones which could have been caused by the excess protien but I doult it. It takes a long time for kidney stones to form and as you mentioned above, you have not been on a high protien diet for long. If you are still having these problems you need to have your doctor take a look.
    It could save you alot less pain in the future.
    Good luck,

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    New York
    For the short term if the problem gets worse or does not go away try an over the counter laxitive like milk of magnesia or ex-lax. For the longer term I think the advise that others are sharing with you is sound.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    The Rink!!
    what color is your blood..this could mean a problem...not to scare ir bright red or dark red...this will tell where you prob is...blood has nothing to do with you protein intake

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    There is no place like ho
    I think Shrez is right... could be that you have a colon infection or even prostate problems. Could also be hemmoroids, (not that I have any idea what hemmoroids are haa haa).
    I had a buddy that had a colon problem and he would almost pour blood out of his rectum. Of course he immediately went to the hospital, and was just a bad infection, (colon was inflammed) gave him some antibiotics and he was good to go.
    I hate to put up a post like this, but your colon is very important. Do you eat alot of red meat? Do you have a problem with bowel movement? You may have a colon infection or need a "colon cleanse". I can't tell what a difference it will make. that could be the problem with your stomach and protein. Did you know that your colon can carry as much as 5 pounds of undigested meat in it? Of course I can't tell you what this could lead to. Did you know that 99% of all colon cancers comes from the colon having undigested food contained within it. Therefore, that is why doctors say that males should eat plenty of fiber, not because it makes you go to the bathroom but it keeps your colon from holding undigested food and helps to keep it regular, and working properly. The longer something sits on your colon, the more potential it has to grow some type of cancer or bacteria. Sorry for the disquisting discription guys, but it needs to be said with all of the protein and meat eaters here.. The colon is very important!

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