damn, lots of input while I was asleep. Cheers guys.
1) I added in a tuna and evoo meal (cannot find flax for the life of me..stupid england)
2) If I drop the whey I'd need to add in 8 egg whites to make up for the 24g protein..18 eggs are like 3 bucks here so that'd bump my food bill up by like $15 a week, not really worth it for me when I get whey in bulk (44lbs at a time, split between my lil bro and I)
3) I'll drop the milk by a liter and see if it helps. I've added in the tuna/evoo meal to make up for it, I remember reading though that the more milk you drink the more adept at processing and producing enzymes needed to process milk your body becomes, so maybe thats why I don't think I bloat on milk...I've been drinking shitloads since I was little
Ok I attached the updated one...its much easier to read in the text file
Meal Protein Carbs Fats total cals Total Per Meal
50g oats 9.6 37.6 3.9 221
30g whey 24.6 2.1 2 118
5 egg whites 18 1.2 0.3 86
1 whole egg 6.3 0.4 7 92
2 517
2 Tins Tuna (yuck) 65 0 1 296
1 tbsp EVOO 0 0 14 126
I would add in some broccoli or green beans 422
5 oz chicken breast 44 0 5.1 234
5 oz brown rice 3.3 33.4 1.2 160
1 cup broccolli 2.6 6 0.3 31
good 425
5 oz chicken breast 44 0 5.1 234
5 oz pasta 7.5 37.5 0.7 176
1 cup broccolli 2.6 6 0.3 31
good 441
5 oz chicken breast 44 0 5.1 234
5 oz brown rice 3.3 33.4 1.2 160
1 cup broccolli 2.6 6 0.3 31
good 425
50g Whey 40 3.2 3 179
pint skim milk 17.5 24.6 1.2 181
40g dextrose 0 30 0 160
10g Glutamine
much better...if you find yourself bloated, drop the milk 520
5 oz chicken breast 44 0 5.1 234
5 oz pasta 7.5 37.5 0.7 176
1 cup broccolli 2.6 6 0.3 31
good, make sure you eat this meal around 30min-45min after your PWO 441
1 pints skim milk 17.5 24.6 1.2 181
drop this
5 oz lean steak 41.5 0 9 260
4 oz cottage cheese 17 4.4 2.3 110
good, again, if you find yourself looking 'soft' or bloated, drop the CC. I would add in some greens here as well. 370
465 Protein 293.9 Carbs 70.3 Fats 3742 Total Cals