Ok guys. Its time for the summer cut. I maintained a nice 200-205 bodyweight at around 15-17%. With that being said here it is.
Age: 19 - 20 in 3 months
BF%: 15-17(Only visible top 2 abs....lower stomach fat...love handles and back, lower chest some gyno as well.
Supplement history: None. TRT therapy 200mgs every 2 weeks
Injuries: Torn Bicep tendon 4 months ago..95% healed. Degenerated L4+L5 and S1
Workout Plan
Since I have been doing a typical 12,10,8,6 for most of my lifting years im going to switch it up the first 4 weeks using supersets and dropsets while keeping the main excercies deads,squat,bench a 12,10,8,6,3 then go into the superset. After 4 weeks I will return to normal lifting scheme. 5 days a week
Am Cardio 4-5 days a week. 10 incline at 3.3 mph or ellipticl at 8 resistance
PWO cardio for 20-30 minutes 3-5 days a week.
Supplements I will be taking:
-Epistane for 4 weeks at 20 mgs. Hopefully get rid of gyno and keep some muscle while in caloric defecit with all supporting supps. Hawthorne Berry, Milk Thistle, Saw Palmetto.
-Fish Oil, Salmon Oil, Flaxseed Oil
- 3 scoops of CytoGainer for PWO or 2 scoop of cyto mixed with 1 scoop of ON
- Multivitamin
-May throw in ECA (Yellow Swarm,Lipodrene, MiniThin) last 4 weeks
First 4 weeks I will be consuming:
280 Protein
120 Carbohydrates (30 breakfast, 30 pre-wo, 60 pwo)
45 Fat(Only from Fish,Flax,Salmon)
Last 4 weeks I will be consuming:
320 Protein
80 carbs (30 pre-wo, 50 pwo)
45 fat
Meal 1: 8:30am
10 egg whites
1/2 cup of oats
Meal 2:12:30pm
1 can of tuna
1tsp light mayo
9 fish/flax/salmon (3 of each)
Meal 3:4:00pm
6 egg whites
1/2 can of tuna
9 fish/flax/salmon
Meal 4:7:30pm
1/2 cup of oats
1 can of tuna or 1 1/2 scoops of whey
Meal 5: 10:00pm
3 scoops of cytogainer
Meal 6: 11:00pm
1/2 can of tuna
1/4 cup of No Salt CC
1 tbsp of Natural PB
9 fish/flax/salmon
- Due to school cafeteria supplying no clean protein but eggs I will be living off of eggs, tuna and occasional chicken breast.
- I will be starting next week on monday with updates on lifts and hopefully starting pictures.