guys, i have researched this question for quite a while and am torn between yes and no. i want to know what you think. i am mainly interested in cutting up. i do however, want to put on about 10-15 lbs of LEAN mass and increase my strength. [because of my profession, i can't afford to get too bulky] i have mainly trimmed my diet to be really heavy in proteins but have cut my carbs down to only eating scrambled egg whites in the morning and the bun on my 2-3 grilled chicken sandwiches for lunch. i do not take in any carbs at all after lunchtime. i am currently running a t-200 cycle at 300mg per week and will throw in winny in week 5 and run it at 50mg eod until week 10. how should i be eating. i think i know the answer already but i want some other opinions from experienced people. here is a typical day for me
1st meal 8 am - 4 egg whites and wheat toast with protein shake
2nd meal 11 am - [right after my workout] protein shake w/ 56g of powdered carbs
3rd meal 1 pm - 2-3 chic-fil-a grilled chicken sand. w/ lettuce and tomato
4th meal 4pm - protein shake
5th meal 7pm - vaires but only has lean meats and lots of veggies
6th meal 9pm - protein shake
bed and repeat next morning [sorry for the long post]