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Thread: Current Diet

  1. #1

    Current Diet

    Age: 26
    Height: 68"
    Weight: 183lbs
    Body Fat %: 9.5%

    Morning: 3 eggs (egg whites)

    Mid-Morning: 1 protein bar

    Lunch Hour: 1 chicken breast sandwich, or 1 chicken w/rice bowl

    Pre-Workout: 1 bowl of oatmeal, 2000mg Glutamine

    Post-Workout: 1 chicken breast sandwich, 2000mg Glutamine

    Mid-Evening: 1 protein bar

    Evening: 3 eggs (egg whites)

    Cardio Work
    30 minute jog 2x week
    2.5 hour workout session [jiu jitsu, wrestling, boxing]
    1 hour jiu jitsu or boxing training session, 1x/week

    Beginning Weight: 193lbs
    Body Fat %: 15%

    Diet/Cardio regimen term: 3 months

    Ending Weight: 183lbs
    Body Fat%: 9.5%
    Last edited by Vinlander; 03-18-2007 at 11:02 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Boston, Ma
    no macros posted, but it doesn't look to good to me.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Long Beach, Ca
    Your sessions are way to long ..and your not eating enough... your meals are out of whack with no real balance ...

    Read the stickies and repost new diet with macros...

    You need to do this so you can learn about what your eating before we can start giving suggestions...

    Good Luck...

  4. #4
    What are your goals?

    Do you lift weights or just do MMA for your exercise?

    You're pretty much starving yourself and I don't see one fruit or vegetable in your diet. Not very healthy.

  5. #5
    Thank you for all of your imput. I will consult a nutritionist and see where I can plug in the holes.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Worcester, Ma
    you did something right, it doesn't seem last you lost too much muscle either
    good job

  7. #7

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    In the Light
    There are more efficient ways to loose weight in regards to keeping as much muscle as possible. That is what people are mastering in this forum. This is what they are attempting to share with you. I think??

    I personally don’t think it is that important to be so precise while cutting. Eat less, lose fat and a little muscle. Eat 2x less, loose more fat quicker, loose a little more muscle. So it is a give and take. It matter how fast you want to cut and if you are willing to loose more muscle to achieve total rippness faster! lol

    I like your diet; it shows discipline and dedication bro. I would add some more eggs to morning and a little oats. Then at night add some more eggs and a little flax oil or some other good fat.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by GrowingMuscle
    There are more efficient ways to loose weight in regards to keeping as much muscle as possible. That is what people are mastering in this forum. This is what they are attempting to share with you. I think??

    I personally don’t think it is that important to be so precise while cutting. Eat less, lose fat and a little muscle. Eat 2x less, loose more fat quicker, loose a little more muscle. So it is a give and take. It matter how fast you want to cut and if you are willing to loose more muscle to achieve total rippness faster! lol

    I like your diet; it shows discipline and dedication bro. I would add some more eggs to morning and a little oats. Then at night add some more eggs and a little flax oil or some other good fat.
    I did neglect to mention that I take flaxseed oil in pill form, but it's one of the suppliments I'm least religious about ingesting on a set schedule.

    Some days I do have to add more oatmeal to the morning breakfast, just because of how sparse and empty eggs can be in filling up my stomach.

    Thank you for the imput and feedback.

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