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Thread: soy bad?

  1. #1
    scrapakilla is offline Associate Member
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    soy bad?

    Ive read numerour articles as of late claiming that soy is bad and this concerns me as i am lactose intolerant and use soy milk. I drink 2 to 3 glasses a day of it too, whic equates to about 25 grams of soy protein a day. It claims that soy is estrogenic and has more side effects then positive benefits like many want you to believe. does anyone h ave any k nowledge on this subject, i am trying to figure out of this is true or just people in the dairy industry sending out their propaganda so thye stay in bussines thanks

  2. #2
    Random is offline RETIRED VET
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    Yea i dont think its good for males in high amounts, FYI there are whey proteins that are lactose free, VPX has one, muscle milk, dymatize whey..just to name a few


  3. #3
    Johny-too-small's Avatar
    Johny-too-small is offline Vive Memor Leti
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    Yeah, stick to whey products. I constantly hear about how soy = estrogen. Better safe than sorry, imo.

  4. #4
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by Johny-too-small
    Yeah, stick to whey products. I constantly hear about how soy = estrogen. Better safe than sorry, imo.
    yeah that seems to be the word but there are numerous health benefits to soy as well as the fact that the body wants homeostasis so if u increase estrogen.. testosterone is sure to fallow..

  5. #5
    Tip's Avatar
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    True, but Soy isoflavones contain phytoestrogens = estrogen. There are not sufficient amounts of Isoflavones in soy milk or other soy products, unless they are fortified with additional Isoflavones. I admit that have not met a vegetarian that can kick my ass but that is more likely atributed to the other nutrients they are not getting as opposed to rising estrogen levels. For vegens soy is pretty much the only source of protein they can get. Your 2 -3glasses of soy milk a day are fine Bro.

    Just like captiandominate said there are plenty of protein products that are lactose free

  6. #6
    JohnboyF is offline Banned
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    actaully soy doesnt raise estro levels
    actually quite the opposite.

    There are phytochemicals in soy milk which normalise the hormonal environment: adaptogenic compounds.

    Don't buy the scaremongering.

    You're more at risk of high estrogen from environmental estrogens like those used in the production of plastics.
    Soy's very versatile.Especially while it increases thyroid output.
    This is especially important when metabolism stagnates during a caloric restriction phase.

  7. #7
    MFT81's Avatar
    MFT81 is offline Senior Member
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    ^^^ So true!

    Soy is a good source of pro, I even drink soy enhanced milk for the ome-ga 3 fatts it contains,

  8. #8
    nyjetsfan86's Avatar
    nyjetsfan86 is offline Anabolic Member
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    soy is estrogenic you cant completly stay away from it but id keep it to a minimum

  9. #9
    MFT81's Avatar
    MFT81 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by nyjetsfan86
    soy is estrogenic you cant completly stay away from it but id keep it to a minimum

    No, As posted above by Fak, Its dosent have enough effect. Even in large quantities it shown that soy has a weak estrogeninc effect, I did a brief search and only found where one study showed estrogenic problems in men when they were given 30 TIMES more than the recommened amount.

    So the occational and even frequent use of soy is fine, you wont grow tits.

    But please feel free to post any journal reviewed studies that are recent saying different.
    Last edited by MFT81; 04-04-2007 at 01:20 PM.

  10. #10
    *Narkissos*'s Avatar
    *Narkissos* is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by FaizakaFez
    actaully soy doesnt raise estro levels
    actually quite the opposite.

    There are phytochemicals in soy milk which normalise the hormonal environment: adaptogenic compounds.

    Don't buy the scaremongering.

    You're more at risk of high estrogen from environmental estrogens like those used in the production of plastics.
    Soy's very versatile.Especially while it increases thyroid output.
    This is especially important when metabolism stagnates during a caloric restriction phase.
    I couldn't have said it better if i had written it myself..

    In fact.. i'm not sure i haven't written it

    Good post Faiz.

    The correlation drawn between the potential estrogenicity of soy stems from the use of soy's phytoestrogen as a form of oestro-HRT for females.

    The fact of the matter is the 'phytoestrogens' marketed for females are misnomered.

    'adaptogens' would be a better term for the spectrum... as the activity is akin to such.

    Sure, some of the phytonutrients are estrogenic in nature... but just like the anti-estrogenic compounds in cruciferous vegetables, the amount of the byproduct one'd have to consume to be affected negates the possibility of being so affected.

    Think about it.

    How many hundreds of pounds of soy do you think goes into each bottle of HRT-'phytoestrogens'?

    You are more at risk with regard to environmental estrogens.. as these are more pervasive, more destructive...and unavoidable.

    Personally i consume a lot of soy..and when it's in my diet i get harder by the day.

    I can attest to its benefits.


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