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Thread: Cutting Diet. Questions/Advice.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2002

    Cutting Diet. Questions/Advice.

    Im 5'10, 190lbs, approximately 15% body fat.

    Im currently running 100 mg test prop eod, 75mg trenbolone eod, 75mg masteron eod for 8 weeks. I have mass and am strictly trying to get as cut and hard as possible. Im doing cardio everday in the morning on an empty stomach for 30 minutes. Below is my currnet diet.

    Revised Diet

    Meal 1 (9:30)
    10 egg whites...170cal...40g pro...0g carb...0g fat
    1 Cup Oatmeal...300cal...10g pro...54g carb...6g fat
    Meal 1 Totals: 470cal.....50g pro....54g carb...6g fat

    Meal 2 (Noon)
    1 Can of Tuna...175cal...37.5g pro...0g carb...2.5g fat
    1 Tbsp Flax….120cal...0g pro....0g carb....13g fat
    Meal 2 Totals: 295cal...37.5g pro...0g carb...15.5g fat

    Meal 3 (Pre Workout) (3:00)
    10 egg white....170cal...40g pro...0g carb...0g fat
    1/2 Cup Brown Rice.......105cal...2.5g pro....20g carb...2.25g fat
    Meal 3 Totals: 275cal...42.5g pro...20gcarb...2.25g fat

    Meal 4 (Post Workout) (5:00)
    2 Scoops Of Whey.....260cal...46g pro...8g carb...4g fat
    1 Cup Oatmeal...........300cal...10gpro...54g carb...6g fat
    PWO Totals: 560cal...56g pro...62g carb...10g fat

    Meal 5 (7:30 or 8:00)
    8oz Chicken Breast.....320cal...64g pro...0g carb...5g fat
    1 Cup of Spinach…50cal...7.5g pro...10g carb…0g fat
    Meal 5 Totals: 320cal....64g pro...0g carb…5g fat

    Meal 6 (Pre Bedtime) (11:00)
    2 Scoops Of Whey.....260cal...46g pro...8g carb...4g fat
    Meal 6 Totals: 260cal....46g pro...8g carb...4g fat

    Diet Totals:

    Calories – 2230
    Protein – 303.5
    Carbs – 154
    Fats – 42.75g

    Supplements – 5g glutamine w/ Post Workout Mea & with Pre Bedtime meal
    1000 mg L-Carnitin 30 min prior to cardio in the morning

    After looking around on the forum and talking to a few people this is what I have come up with after revising my previous diet. Please suggest anything you feel I should change in regards to diet, supplements and cardio. Thank you for your advice and help.
    Last edited by gizlebit; 04-10-2007 at 12:42 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    your whole diet is not even breaking 2000 calories...Read the cutting sticky and list all your macros (Protein, Fat, Carbs, Calories)...

    two quick suggestions, drop the bagel, and replace the shakes with whole foods...shoot for 2500 cals to start.

    To be totally honest your diet needs A LOT of work...where are your fats? You have the potential to not only get more cut, but you should be growing too on that much sh*t...good luck bro, Peace
    Last edited by juicedOUTbrain; 04-09-2007 at 07:25 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    I mean he's only got 2 shakes, I don't necessarily agree with the eat 6 solid food meals a day. Shakes are easy to make, more convienient, cheaper, and just easier to take in when your cutting. Personally I think your carbs are all wrong. Your eating too many breads at the wrong times. Drop the bagel like he said above. Have oats in the morning, or eat the eggs on Whole grain bread at this time. Have carbs immediately post workout, and then post-post workout. Other than breakfast carbs, you don't need any more carb fuel before your workout. You want to get into your fat stores, and work off those. I usually have carbs once in the morning, and not again until four meals later and my workouts don't suffer at all. Your on so much juice you can get by with 50 grams in the morning and 50 post workout. You'll be straight.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    you have no fats... definetly add some EFA's in there

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Revised Diet Above. Thanks Again For Any And All Advice.
    Last edited by gizlebit; 04-10-2007 at 12:41 PM.

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