Ok, I am 6'0, 215 roughly 15% Bf. Want to get to 10. Here is my diet. 5:30--4 eggs, 3 strips turkey bacon,water, glass of milk. 8:00--Chicken with small potato. 11:30--Tuna or chicken with potato. 3:00-- Chicken or turkey. 6:00--chicken or turkey. 9:00--more chicken. I love chicken as you can see. I drink roughly 2 Gallons water a day. I am going this week to buy some MRP's. Its hard heating up chicken every few hours. I have a problem with veggies, I cant stand to eat them. Any ideas on which veggies, to start trying to force down. Train(weights) EOD. Walking or running 35- 45 min, 3-4 X a week. BTW, Goals lean out then Grow.