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Thread: Diet??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    New Orleans


    Ok, I am 6'0, 215 roughly 15% Bf. Want to get to 10. Here is my diet. 5:30--4 eggs, 3 strips turkey bacon,water, glass of milk. 8:00--Chicken with small potato. 11:30--Tuna or chicken with potato. 3:00-- Chicken or turkey. 6:00--chicken or turkey. 9:00--more chicken. I love chicken as you can see. I drink roughly 2 Gallons water a day. I am going this week to buy some MRP's. Its hard heating up chicken every few hours. I have a problem with veggies, I cant stand to eat them. Any ideas on which veggies, to start trying to force down. Train(weights) EOD. Walking or running 35- 45 min, 3-4 X a week. BTW, Goals lean out then Grow.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Just a few suggestions...instead of 4 eggs have 8 but only 2 yolks and 86 the bacon (even turkey bacon is high in sodium). Replace the potatos with yams (sweet potatos) or brown rice. Use some olive oil when making your eggs (1 tbls) and pick up some flax seed oil for one of your daily protein shakes. Buy a bag of frozen mixed veggies (broccoli, cauliflower, carrots) and have 1-2 cups with your chicken about an hour after training. Make sure you have a shake directly after lifting (protein and carbs) to help replace depleted glycogen stores. I like the fact that your are attempting to eat every 3 hours and that your have no carbs after've done your homework.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    New Orleans
    Alright P, Bacon is gone. About the eggs, Do i need anything else for breakfast?? Or is that enough?? I am not a big oatmeal fan. Once again, potato gone, Brown rice and chicken. How about any sauce or gravy?? I normally make my eggs with pam. olive oil is better?? How often should i use the flaxseed? And finally, the veggies, how much and how often?? After training only or in my earlier meals? Thanks for the help.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Irvine, Ca.
    Fit in some cottage cheese. They make a non fat kind that rules. It has mega protein and no carbs. Mix in some fruit and you got yourself a great snack. Cottage cheese is the key!


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    You can actually buy olive oil Pam. Flax seed oil 1-2 times daily in your shakes. With your eggs, maybe a small whole wheat bagel with natural peanut butter. veggies 2 times daily...if only once have them with your post workout meal. Good luck bro.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    South Carolina
    Yes olive oil is better and high in essential fatty acids. Pete's right on with everything and even mentioned flax (easy & good EFA) which you really need. Studies show that fat loss is increased with EFA use. Those fats actually help transport the fat molecules across the membranes of your cells to be used for fuel. As for veggies...make yourself choke down at least the 2 cups mentioned above, but I'd shoot for double that. Eat a salad with oil & vinegar (make your own with the olive oil) every day! the more fibrous veggies the better. Pre cook your chicken and refridgerate it so all you have to do is heat it or eat it cold. Don'd add sauces since you usually have to add flour etc to thicken them. If you want fruit then stick to apples since they're higher in fiber and lower glycemic. What we are saying here is eat clean, avoid saturated fats, processed foods, and have a balance. One thing I say often is that you have to plan your diet around your activity level. The more active you will be over the next few hours then the more energy you'll eat accordingly.

    Final note: increase your cardio even more, and stay targeted so you're not burning muscle glycogen.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Long Beach, Ca
    Just reading some of these threads makes me envious ,,,, You guys can actually eat those things .... Oh well, ..... Sometimes brother we have to do ( or EAT ) the right thing ... right ? If oatmeal is out , how bout : Special K , Cream of wheat or Malto meal , Cream of rice ... There are some alts .. but we just feel OATMEAL rules ... And bro you need veggies ..... you better start experimenting til you find some you like ... who doesnt like corn for crying out loud ......
    if need be ask the Iron Chef to assist your veggie prob...Good luck

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    New Orleans
    Hold on, I love corn and peas. But i have always been told that i shouldnt touch them. I can eat these all day.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    I wish I liked cottage cheese. It would be so easy to keep my protein up. Oh well, a few minutes for a shake isn't bad.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    South Carolina
    You're always better off eating veggies that are high in fiber, low glycemic, and less starchy. Corn and peas are starchy veggies that will raise your blood sugar more quickly. Yes you can eat them but you'll have to be careful to keep the serving size small and not to consume them with another starch like potatoes or rice etc.

    Everything is permissable but not everything is beneficial. I just feel better when I eat the clean food with no sauces no preservatives, additives etc. And when most people change to this type of diet THEY feel better also.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Long Beach, Ca
    Good call Db ... However , if you saw my diet ...( Whooogy )
    I need em brother ...

    As to whether a person is going to do without any veggies or not I would take any I could stomach ....

    But DB is right < if your not picky those are better on your digestive track ....\

    good luck

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