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Thread: diet help for a friend please

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2003

    diet help for a friend please

    I've got a friend that's 29, 5'11'', 245 lbs. If I had to guess, mid-upper 20's for bodyfat. I'm hoping in 12 weeks or so to get him around 18-20%. I think his metabolism is all jacked up and slow as heck since he tells me sometimes he only eats a couple times/day or has a couple shakes in a day. I'm going to set up a 6 meals/day plan with the right foods and was just wondering what macronutrient profile you guys would recommend. I was thinking 2,500 calories and 40% protein, 30% carbs, 30% fat. Or would 40/40/20 work better? I'm open to all advice. He works out late so unfortunately, I won't be able to devise a diet plan w/o carbs late at night. Any supplements you guys are big believers in? He wants to lose the fat while losing as little muscle as possible so I'm gonna tell him to take in 5-10g of BCAA's before/after cardio and I'm thinking cardio 5X/week, 45 minutes, 60-70% MHR. Anybody believe in R-ALA or L-carnitine for fat loss? Thanks!
    Last edited by want2bulk; 04-29-2007 at 10:46 PM.

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