6'3......Currently 215lbs @ approx. 14% BF (down from 225lbs. in 3.5 weeks).....
This is my current cutting diet. I dont have the exact macros or #'s, so it is just an outline. I will be running a prop/winny cycle once I get down to 210. To maintain muscle as I try and get to 6-8% BF. I am doing low intensity cardio 3-4 x a week for 25 minutes at a HR of 118-124.
8AM - Lean Protein Shake (46g Protein 2g Carbs 200 Calories)
Whole Grain English Muffin
2 tbsp of Organic Peanut Butter
10AM - 10oz of Lean Turkey/Roast Beef on Wheat Toast
1PM - 1 Large Boneless Skinnless Chicken Breast (approx 10oz)
1/2 Cup of Brown Rice
4PM - Lean Protein Shake
5PM - Bananna or Orange
Pre-work out NO drink
6-8PM - Train
8PM - Handfull of Gummy Bears or JuJu Fruits
8:30 PM - 1 Large Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast (approx 10oz)
1/2 Cup of Brown Rice
10pm - Sex then sleep
How does this look and should i throw in another shake at somepoint during the night (set a wake up alarm for it)?
Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks