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  1. #1
    finny is offline Associate Member
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    Getting sick of food and eating

    It's getting to a point right now where I'm getting sick of looking at food. It is becoming a real challenge to keep up with meals. I vary some meals everyday, but overall calories are pretty much the same.

    I always feel full and I feel like I'm forcing myself to eat. In short, it's not fun anyomore.

    Any advice?

    Currently, I'm eating 7 times a day.

    Do you guys cycle your food when once every couple of weeks or so, you might have a day or two of very limited food intake?

    It seems that all I do is eat and sh**...

  2. #2
    JC2007 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by finny
    It's getting to a point right now where I'm getting sick of looking at food. It is becoming a real challenge to keep up with meals. I vary some meals everyday, but overall calories are pretty much the same.

    I always feel full and I feel like I'm forcing myself to eat. In short, it's not fun anyomore.

    Any advice?

    Currently, I'm eating 7 times a day.

    Do you guys cycle your food when once every couple of weeks or so, you might have a day or two of very limited food intake?

    It seems that all I do is eat and sh**...

    Post a diet example.

  3. #3
    InsaneInTheMembrane's Avatar
    InsaneInTheMembrane is offline Anabolic Member
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    that complaint is proof that you are on the right track! Good job

    welcome to the world of serious bodybuilding, where taking a dump is an artform all to itself.

    assuming your diet is sound (post it with your stats so we can see), u know it's working if you're not giving your body a chance to be hungry...also, have a cheat meal once a'll perk u right up

    u crack me up

  4. #4
    ginkobulloba's Avatar
    ginkobulloba is offline Senior Member
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    Yeah, a cheat meal can do wonders sometimes. Just think of something you'd really enjoy eating and then go out and eat it. That should get you motivated again.

  5. #5
    finny is offline Associate Member
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    Ontario, Canada
    Thanks guys to those that replied.

    Here is what I have posted at another board but haven't gotten a reply yet.

    I am following the basics with food intake and protein. I eat four meals at work (every two hours) and then by the time I get home and have dinner I feel really full and have to force myself to eat. After the meal and even during the meal, I don't feel good. I can't decribe it, but I think a bit of feeling nauseas, almost feeling like I want to vomit. It seems to be happening around meals that I have around 5-6 in the evening and it continues into the night. The last two days I have skipped my last shake for the evening and my cottage cheese 'cause of this feeling like 'crap'. It's not fun as it lasts so long into the night. I feel the best when I wake up the next morning.

    I have four solid meals at work with 1 scoop of whey with three of them. Then dinner, where if I'm feeling good I will have my meat protein and eggs so no whey - otherwise substitute whey for eggs. Then, PWO shake and an hour later last meal of the day - kefir with some whey, fats, and cottage cheese.

    Now that I think of it, it started happening around the time I started taking d-bol 3x day at 10mg each - about 9 days ago.

    I'm 10 weeks into 500mg test e/wk. The last 5 weeks I will finish with test p with 100mg eod.

    Could it be signs of not enough water?

    Any ideas would be appreciated.

    Thanks again. I will try to post/attach my diet - not sure if it will work.

    Dinner varies, as far as carbs and meats but overall calories should be pretty close day to day. Last meal of the day has some extra things, fats, that are spread within other meals. But you get the picture.

    Overall, the volume is not bad, but come dinner time I feel like my stomach is going to burst as there is no room for food and also the feeling like I want to throw up.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Getting sick of food and eating-diet1.jpg   Getting sick of food and eating-diet2.jpg  

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