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Thread: Hit a platuea

  1. #1
    jamiecakes is offline Female Member
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    Hit a platuea

    Alright, I am the mother of a 6 and 10 year old. Been weight training for sometime now. But just cant get the belly to tighten up. My diet is pretty good. I eat nothing but skinless chicken breasts, lots of fresh vegetables, salmon, have an occasional protein shake. I drink almost water exclusively. With the occasional glass of iced tea. I train about 4-5 days a week with my husband. Do about 45 minutes of cardio a day as well.

    Heres my dilema. Nothing seems to be working for the belly. For a woman its extremely hard and frustrating to get that area tight. Especially after having kids. I am going to start adding more time to my cardio, and thinking about throwing in a low dose of winny.. What do you folks think? Thank you.

  2. #2
    jamiecakes is offline Female Member
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    Oh yea. Im am about 5'7" and weigh around 133 ish..

  3. #3
    Random is offline RETIRED VET
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    Well it really sounds like you have a good plan with the diet, it would help if you posted your full diet etc...

    but along with that i wouldnt jump onto winny just yet, i wouldnt use AS until you have at least tried ECA, or clen ....theres plenty of options, it sounds like you will hit your goals in the future..


  4. #4
    jamiecakes is offline Female Member
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    Thanks CD. I will post up what I have eaten today, once I get back from taking my daughter to get her hair cut. So you think Clen would be a better choice then winny? Thanks again.

  5. #5
    Random is offline RETIRED VET
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    Well first i would try ephedrine/caffiene/aspirin stack, if that doesnt/didnt work then clen could be an option...and if you must resort to further, anavar for women at a low dose...glad youre asking questions tho, plenty of people simply jump into things with no research..


  6. #6
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
    IBdmfkr is offline AR VET
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    I'll wait for the diet to be posted, then we can see what needs fixing.

  7. #7
    AandF6969's Avatar
    AandF6969 is offline Made Up Of Wires
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    Diet and ECA or ECY stack should do the trick

  8. #8
    Prada's Avatar
    Prada is offline Anabolic Member
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    I agree with the guys, if your goal is to lose some BF and tighten around the a**omen then the reward/risk is much better with ECA or Clen then winny. Especially for a female. As said post the diet and good luck.

  9. #9
    jamiecakes is offline Female Member
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    This is a typical day for me.

    Morning I eat a few pieces of dry toast. Followed by a protein shake. Get my son on the bus, then off to the gym. I sometimes have another protein shake after the gym. Lunch is usually a lean cuisine or a lean turkey sandwich. I snack on veggies throughout the day. For dinner its usually skinless chicken breast or salmon with green veggies. I like to throw in some red beans and rice occasionally also.

    The hardest part is working around 2 kids schedules. One goes to school all day, the other a half day.

    So tell what you guys think? Thanks. Looking forward to your opinions on what to change or dont change.

  10. #10
    jamiecakes is offline Female Member
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    CD. I dont think I have ever heard of ephedrine/caffeine/asprin stack. Can you please tell me more about that? Thank you.

  11. #11
    NaturalMass's Avatar
    NaturalMass is offline Banned
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    well, you need quality proteins, fats, and carbs... and i personally don't think you'll get any of that out of frozen dinners. Try going less on carbs. You're taking in many carbs it sounds like and if you're trying to cut up then you should only be taking in carbs/oats in the morning, and only Post Workout Nutrition. Also you might need to speed your metabolism up since you aren't eating 5-6 meals a day. That's where Caffeine and Ephedrin come into play. Eat smaller meals more times throughout the day that way your metabolism stays steady and only take carbs in during those critical times. Also try your cardio out during the A.M. on an empty stomach, as it will burn fat straight off of your body quicker.

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