Hey im brand spankin new to this site, and need help from some knowledgable people. Lemme give a quick background... Last August I decided to begin losing weight and get myself into shape. At the time I started I weighed in at 320 pounds. For the past year I've been changing my eating habits and working out religiously. For the first half of the year it was strictly cardio. Within the past 5 months I've gotten into weightlifting. Ive since built up a decent amount of muscle, and will continue to do so. As of this week I weighed in at 208 pounds and look pretty good. My problem is I havealot of loose skin due to the fact that I was pretty big when I started. What can I do about this?? Is there some kind of a topical ointment I can apply to my skin? Or due I just have to let time take care of it?? Any suggestions or advice would be appreciated....