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  1. #1
    BigEast's Avatar
    BigEast is offline Junior Member
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    Diet : Off Cycle

    hey bros,

    im on my final week of my first cycle and im taking in close to 4000 cals a day.
    I am debating on when i should drop my cals,when and how much after my cycle is complete? i was thinking dropping to 3000-3500 cleaner cals a day after pct. what do u guys think/suggest?

  2. #2
    NaturalMass's Avatar
    NaturalMass is offline Banned
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    lol, we don't know anything about you... goals, stats and so forth. How will we know what's going to fit your lifestyle and needs best if we don't know where you currently are or where you're trying to get?

  3. #3
    BigEast's Avatar
    BigEast is offline Junior Member
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    dont think u need my stats but here...

    Age: 21
    Weight: 182 lbs pre-cycle , 208 week 10(final week) of TEST cycle
    Height: 6'1
    Experience: always been athletic,3 years weightlifting, 1 year religiously
    Goals: too keep my gains after PCT

    what do u mean by fit my lifestyle? im on my first bulker. just a simple question : How long do u guys think i should keep my current diet? (4000 cals) end of PCT? month after? any help would be appreciated.

  4. #4
    NaturalMass's Avatar
    NaturalMass is offline Banned
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    see, now that we know more about you we can assess the situation and question much better.

    I'm no pro when it comes to AS but i do know that if you want to keep the muscle you've gained then you have to calculate your BMR and (use sticky at top of page) find what kinds of foods you need to steadily eat to maintain your weight. If you want to cut up which most people do after bulking... then you can do that immediately and try to lose some of the water weight i'm sure you've gained. If you are completely done with PCT then you can start making changes but don't drop below your BMR or you'll lose the muscle you've gained unless you calculate a new diet to cut (which is what i'd do, i don't like staying bloated and watery)

  5. #5
    Prada's Avatar
    Prada is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigEast
    hey bros,

    im on my final week of my first cycle and im taking in close to 4000 cals a day.
    I am debating on when i should drop my cals,when and how much after my cycle is complete? i was thinking dropping to 3000-3500 cleaner cals a day after pct. what do u guys think/suggest?
    Im going to assume your diet and macros are fine, hence....
    Keep eating and training as hard as you were while on cycle. You want to keep your gains during PCT, once that is over you can start tapering down ***endent as to your goals.

  6. #6
    BigEast's Avatar
    BigEast is offline Junior Member
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    thanks on the imput guys yea im currently sitting at 210 right now ( on full stomach) and just ordered some clen and t3 to throw into my standard pct. so im looking to keep my gains. but i'd rather be a leaner 195-200lbs than a watery,sloppy 205-210. im going to start planning my diet changes soon...PRADA: how should i taper down in cals? 500?1000? or just maintain cals an clean them up a bit?

  7. #7
    Prada's Avatar
    Prada is offline Anabolic Member
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    For now maintain cals as is, once PCT is over start cutting cals around 500. Then reevaluate progressively.

    I just eat pretty much the same, the only thing that differs is whether Im bulking or cutting. There is no "dirty bulking" or dirty anything for that matter. I eat clean year round and just mostly alter carb and calorie intake.

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