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  1. #1
    eckstg is offline Associate Member
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    Diet while on AAS?

    Before i begin heres a quote i read from someones post that pretty much sums me up :
    (Actually, you have no business doing a cycle if you aren't already eating, sleeping and working out correctly--but many people jump in anyway, as I've said before).
    So i pretty much just jumped in but even so im trying to get things inline but i need advice from you experienced people to get things right.I can't really afford steak every meal so im looking for cheaper easy ways to get a decent diet plan together to reach high protein & good quality calories to get every day during a mass cycle.

    I been getting 960 calories and 160 gram protein from whey shake alone and eating 4 meals also a day combined prolly around 3000 calories.I'm about to run out of whey and not sure if i should stock up on it again considering i read it isnt really good source of protein.

    Could anyone please give me simple ideas of foods to stock up on not to expensive and perfect to have while on mass building cycle for high quality calories and proteins?

  2. #2
    cfiler's Avatar
    cfiler is offline Anabolic Member
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    If you don't have money to eat properly, then spending money on aas is going to be a total waste.

    You don't need to spend money on steaks, but chicken breasts everyday will get to be quite boring. Fish is a great alternative to chicken.

    You definatley should have protien powder for your PWO shake.

    How far along are you into your cycle? If you just started, then you may be able to stop without PCT.

    Diet is 90% of gains.

  3. #3
    abmyers's Avatar
    abmyers is offline Associate Member
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    Get real used to chicken, rice oatmeal and tuna. All are relatively cheap. And whey is a must for after workout shakes at least. Its a good source of protein, just not as good as real meat. I use powder for convenience as well.

  4. #4
    TheSentinal's Avatar
    TheSentinal is offline Member
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    The real question is do you have the will-power to commit to a diet that supports your AAS cycle? Abiding to a strict protein-rich diet can be more difficult than sticking to a good workout schedule.

    A bodybuilding diet means cooking and avoiding fast food / alcohol. It means planning and preparing meals in advance. While my co-workers file out to lunch everyday, I open my cooler and microwave my chicken, steamed veg and fat-free cottage cheese. I am probably the only executive that brings a lunch pail to work! LOL

    You can find all kids of info here on a proper diet, but you have to be mentally prepared to commit yourself to it. When I hear of guys "jumping in", I question if they are ready. It is easy to take the steroids , it is much more difficult to make the lifestyle commitment. On any given Sunday or Monday you can read posts about guys who drank their ass off over the weekend and ask "ah, is this ok to do?".

    I'll stop preaching in a sec. Yes AAS work well. However, what you eat and do in the gym will dictate how much you gain and if you are doing it in a healthy way. As others load up on fast food and garbage, I find that as extra motivation to eat my damn, plain tuna at my desk!

  5. #5
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
    perfectbeast2001 is offline "king of free stuff" / Retired
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    Below is a generic diet that I hand out to people who have no current diet plan and no real idea of what to eat. It is by know means perfect but it is 10 times better than eating fast/processed food. You made a big mistake using AS before getting the basics sorted but i'm sure you realise that already. If you are bulking then I would see how you get on with diet then if you are not gaining after a couple of weeks add a 6th meal in there. If you still dont gain then add 1/2 an extra carb portion to a couple of meals (preferably the solid meals before and after training.
    Like i said this isnt perfect and im sure we could all pick holes in it (i would not use it as i like to seperate carbs and fats for example) however it is easy to stick to and easy to alter.


    4 slices wholemeal bread
    1 cup oats
    1/2 cup brown rice (dry weight)
    2 wholewheat bagels
    1 cup wholewheat pasta (dry weight)
    2 sweet potatoes
    1 baked potatoe


    5 egg whites 1 yolk
    100g chicken/lean pork/turkey/lean steak
    1 can tuna
    150g smoked salmon(no added fat with this meal)
    1 cup light cottage cheese
    150g smoked mackerel (no fat with this meal)
    150g prawns
    150g crab
    200g cod or any white fish


    1 TBsp ***** margarine
    1 Tbsp Olive oil/flax oil
    10 nuts any variety but not salted or roasted.
    1/2 avocado
    15 olives
    25g cheese

    eat 5 times a day. Pick one item from each food group to create a meal unless otherwise stated next to item. Add as much salad and veg as you like. Season with herbs and spices, chillies, garlic, soy sauce, vinegar and pickled veg as required.
    No fruit juices, No alcohol, no sugar added to anything, check all lables if using sauce ect, look out for glucose, fructose, sucrose. Do not eat them
    Diet soda only.
    You may have one piece of fresh fruit with every meal. Limit use of bananas and other sweet exotics (strawberries are fine though). good portion sizes for fruit. 10 strawberries, 20 rasberries, 1 apple, 1 pear, 1 orange, 25 grapes, 1 banana, 1 peach, 2 plums.

    Take 6 fish oil capsules every day. Take 2 multivits every day. Take 2000mcg vit C every day.

    If you are weight training drink a protein shake before and after training with 1 scoop protein. Eat a banana before and after weight training. Do your cardio in the morn before eating anything at all.

  6. #6
    Mista Massive's Avatar
    Mista Massive is offline Senior Member
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    It continues to amaze me how people claim they do not have the money. commitment or time for a bodybuilding diet, yet purchase expensive chemicals and stick them into their body.

    been said already but i had to say it again.

    BTW, Beast's generic meal plan there looks more than sufficient. i'll bet all those foods bought at once is cheaper than a decent cycle

  7. #7
    NCBB's Avatar
    NCBB is offline Senior Member
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    I sent you the spread sheet I use to track my food in your e-mail.

    Some of the tricks that make it so easy for me:

    I cook a big bag of Sams boneless skinless chicken breasts every 3rd day on the grill
    I cook a huge bowl of Broccoli every other day (microwave)
    Cook fresh tuna every other day (lunch food)
    I boil 36 eggs once a week and buy 5 cartons of eggs a week or more
    I eat egg whites every night before I go to bed
    I put my protein dust in dry water bottles and keep 10 at work in my desk. I will excuse myself from a meeting and do a shake in 15 sec if it is time to eat (every 2.5 hours)

    It does help that my wife eats like I do, but cooking in mass means I always have what i need to eat ready to be heated up.

    I have eaten this way over 10 years!

  8. #8
    NewVader is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001
    Below is a generic diet that I hand out to people who have no current diet plan and no real idea of what to eat. It is by know means perfect but it is 10 times better than eating fast/processed food. You made a big mistake using AS before getting the basics sorted but i'm sure you realise that already. If you are bulking then I would see how you get on with diet then if you are not gaining after a couple of weeks add a 6th meal in there. If you still dont gain then add 1/2 an extra carb portion to a couple of meals (preferably the solid meals before and after training.
    Like i said this isnt perfect and im sure we could all pick holes in it (i would not use it as i like to seperate carbs and fats for example) however it is easy to stick to and easy to alter.


    4 slices wholemeal bread
    1 cup oats
    1/2 cup brown rice (dry weight)
    2 wholewheat bagels
    1 cup wholewheat pasta (dry weight)
    2 sweet potatoes
    1 baked potatoe


    5 egg whites 1 yolk
    100g chicken/lean pork/turkey/lean steak
    1 can tuna
    150g smoked salmon(no added fat with this meal)
    1 cup light cottage cheese
    150g smoked mackerel (no fat with this meal)
    150g prawns
    150g crab
    200g cod or any white fish


    1 TBsp ***** margarine
    1 Tbsp Olive oil/flax oil
    10 nuts any variety but not salted or roasted.
    1/2 avocado
    15 olives
    25g cheese

    eat 5 times a day. Pick one item from each food group to create a meal unless otherwise stated next to item. Add as much salad and veg as you like. Season with herbs and spices, chillies, garlic, soy sauce, vinegar and pickled veg as required.
    No fruit juices, No alcohol, no sugar added to anything, check all lables if using sauce ect, look out for glucose, fructose, sucrose. Do not eat them
    Diet soda only.
    You may have one piece of fresh fruit with every meal. Limit use of bananas and other sweet exotics (strawberries are fine though). good portion sizes for fruit. 10 strawberries, 20 rasberries, 1 apple, 1 pear, 1 orange, 25 grapes, 1 banana, 1 peach, 2 plums.

    Take 6 fish oil capsules every day. Take 2 multivits every day. Take 2000mcg vit C every day.

    If you are weight training drink a protein shake before and after training with 1 scoop protein. Eat a banana before and after weight training. Do your cardio in the morn before eating anything at all.

    what's wrong with fructose?
    or no sugar added fruit juice for that matter?

    also someone above said that whey protein is not a good source of protein..I wonder where these statement came from...

  9. #9
    Wizeguy's Avatar
    Wizeguy is offline Associate Member
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    Fructose is sugar! A simple carb, an insulin spiker!

  10. #10
    NCBB's Avatar
    NCBB is offline Senior Member
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    I love fruit! I eat it when on a cycle. It is good for you and natural.
    I do not eat it when on a diet.

    Fructose (or levulose) is a simple sugar (monosaccharide) found in many foods Honey, tree fruits, berries, melons, and some root vegetables, such as beets, sweet potatoes, parsnips, and onions, contain fructose.

    Fructose is often recommended for, and consumed by, people with diabetes mellitus or hypoglycemia, because it has a very low Glycemic Index (GI) relative to cane sugar (sucrose). However, this benefit is tempered by concern that fructose may have an adverse effect on plasma lipid and uric acid levels, and the resulting higher blood levels of fructose can be damaging to proteins. The low GI is due to the unique and lengthy metabolic pathway of fructose, which involves phosphorylation and a multi-step enzymatic process in the liver.

  11. #11
    NewVader is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wizeguy
    Fructose is sugar! A simple carb, an insulin spiker!
    fructose has very low Glycemic Index, therefore it is NOT an insulin spiker...and I don't know about damaging protein but I am preatty sure that if you are on 300g protein/day drinking fruit juice won' t make a difference...

  12. #12
    highrise is offline Junior Member
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    Even on my expensive cycles, I spend more money per month on protein supplements than on the juice. I have a small refrigerator in my office at work where I keep my ready-to-drink bottles and protein bars. I also stock up on whey, casein, and metamyosyn powders, and liquid (paste) aminos, tablet aminos, and BCAAs. Oh yea, creatine too. (All from the banner source listed above, BTW.)

    My gains are always reliable. If there's a problem, I can always look to my workout first (overtraining?) because I know everything else is in place. I couldn't do it any other way.

  13. #13
    NCBB's Avatar
    NCBB is offline Senior Member
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    Fructose is 32 on the Glycemic Index, but most fruits score in the 60s or more
    Cherrys and a peach are the exception as they are 31 and 40
    We all know that the rules are slightly different for the post workout meal as long as it is about 30 min after your lift

  14. #14
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    Talking Going back..

    Hey, just to take a step back...

    Quote Originally Posted by eckstg

    "...not sure if i should stock up on it again considering i read it isnt really good source of protein.."
    1) Whey protein, makes protein one of the most available sources in your body after you swallow it. Nothing is faster digesting. Also I don't know what kind of protein you have, but the only way that it would be "not a good source" is if you are swallowing it dry...
    2) There is a study that compared 4 different types/grades of protein on relatively similar men, and results were basically exactly the same. (suprised?)
    3) If you don't have the money for proper food, then you shouldn't be cycling buddy..

    But, you already jumped in - so best of luck to you!
    Tuna is always nice.

  15. #15
    ImACrazyJewDaddy's Avatar
    ImACrazyJewDaddy is offline Associate Member
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    Here's what you should do.
    Morning meal. Chipotle chicken burrito.

    Workout: Then PWO Shake, Chipotle Barbacoa burrito.

    Work. Bedtime meal..Chipotle Steak Burrito.

    All the bodybuilders are doin it!

  16. #16
    S431M7 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by eckstg
    Before i begin heres a quote i read from someones post that pretty much sums me up :

    So i pretty much just jumped in but even so im trying to get things inline but i need advice from you experienced people to get things right.I can't really afford steak every meal so im looking for cheaper easy ways to get a decent diet plan together to reach high protein & good quality calories to get every day during a mass cycle.

    I been getting 960 calories and 160 gram protein from whey shake alone and eating 4 meals also a day combined prolly around 3000 calories.I'm about to run out of whey and not sure if i should stock up on it again considering i read it isnt really good source of protein.

    Could anyone please give me simple ideas of foods to stock up on not to expensive and perfect to have while on mass building cycle for high quality calories and proteins?
    I know exactly what u saying bro, a good bulking diet can be really expensive than a package of cycle.

    But here's what most folks, do your own grocery shopping or find a supermarket that has a better butcher price list than eating a daily at a restruants,

    Next set up a weekly (or monthly) budget-plan for food; organize your kitchen, and know what u need eat in advance.

    As your weight increase overtime, u will notice u need more food also, and your budget will also increase in size wich means more money to be spent on good food.

    These are just the basics.

    good luck
    Last edited by S431M7; 06-12-2007 at 04:31 PM.

  17. #17
    S431M7 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheSentinal
    The real question is do you have the will-power to commit to a diet that supports your AAS cycle? Abiding to a strict protein-rich diet can be more difficult than sticking to a good workout schedule.

    A bodybuilding diet means cooking and avoiding fast food / alcohol. It means planning and preparing meals in advance. While my co-workers file out to lunch everyday, I open my cooler and microwave my chicken, steamed veg and fat-free cottage cheese. I am probably the only executive that brings a lunch pail to work! LOL

    You can find all kids of info here on a proper diet, but you have to be mentally prepared to commit yourself to it. When I hear of guys "jumping in", I question if they are ready. It is easy to take the steroids , it is much more difficult to make the lifestyle commitment. On any given Sunday or Monday you can read posts about guys who drank their ass off over the weekend and ask "ah, is this ok to do?".

    I'll stop preaching in a sec. Yes AAS work well. However, what you eat and do in the gym will dictate how much you gain and if you are doing it in a healthy way. As others load up on fast food and garbage, I find that as extra motivation to eat my damn, plain tuna at my desk!
    well said Sentinal

  18. #18
    Ajc330's Avatar
    Ajc330 is offline Senior Member
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    ok he jumped in, lets just help him out...

    tuna is good, the seafood ***t always has fish on sale buy the fish that are on sale and do the same in the meat ***t., carb sources are so damn easy, i will not even get into that, and eat a serving of almonds before you go to bed or cook up a burger patty from 90% sirloin groundbeef...good luck!

  19. #19
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
    IBdmfkr is offline AR VET
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    Is that my quote in the first post? lol
    -B D

    [email protected]
    If asking cycle advice Post up Stats/previous cycle experience/goals!

    If asking diet advice Post Stats/current diet/goals!

    “Your desire to change must be greater than your desire to stay the same.”

    I B D
    AR VET

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