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Thread: The Bulking sticky

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    The Bulking sticky

    I read that you only need 3 meals of carbs total, yeah you only "need".
    But what if you want more? I know this could result in getting more fat storrage, but what else could it affect?

    And: Why only fat/prot - karb/prot meals?
    I see pro`s and cons using both ways, some big guys use:

    Prot/karb/fat in one meal.
    Others just use fat/prot - karb/prot meals.

    Explain to me why it is so important and if the really big difference one will yield in the long run.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    The bulking sticky is just a base for beginners.

    For one, I would say that three carb meals a day while bulking isn't enough. I take in at least four carb meals per day- usually around 75 carbs per meal (not including PWO carbs). To really store the excess carbs as fat is difficult to determine. ***ending on one's resting metabolic rate, daily activities/lifestyle, training regime (weight & cardio) it is easier for your body to utilize the carbs for energy, as opposed to fat.

    Plus, if you're bulking it's very difficult to put on slabs of muscle without a little bodyfat- although one can try to minimize this. For your bulk, I would said not to worry about following the bulking sticky to a tee...You'll have to chart your progress- what you eat, your gains in the gym, your weight, and bf% and then reevaulate, if need be.

    With respect to the fat and carb seperation, it again is ***endent on the individual; however, there logic behind it is as follows- in a not too detailed version. When one eats carbs it causes an insulin response which, in turn, releases particular hormones. When these are present in the bloodstream AND fats are also, it is said to trigger the body to store the fats- the physiological response.

    Having said this, I would say that if you are consuming healthy carbs, with a low glycemic index value, the hormonal response will be qute negligible; thus, the liklihood of storing the fat is not as high as it would be, say, when taking in a PWO shake consisting of whey and dextrose (or another high GI carbohydrate).

    I tend to let this slide, although I do have a majority rule in place when I bulk. That is, at breakfast the majority of calories will be in the form of carbohydrates, as opposed to fats. So for breakfast I will typically have 8-10 ounces of egg whites, three whole eggs, 1 cup of oats, one cup of berries. So the majority is in the form of carbohydrate. For another meal, I may have majority fats- although my fats (all types) have a place in all meals with the exception of immediately pre workout and post workout.

    Hope this clears some things up, bro.
    Last edited by TR'05; 06-07-2007 at 03:58 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Thank you for a very good answer
    Cleared up alot of things for me

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