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  1. #1
    B.E.N.'s Avatar
    B.E.N. is offline Member
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    Diet for the traveling man...what do you think?

    I am stuck traveling for my job most of the week. I am fortunate enough to get back to my own bed most nights. Without going into too much detail (calorie count, carb count, etc) what do you all think?

    Keep in mind I am not Ron Coleman and nor do I want to be. I am 6', weight fluctates between 193 to 200, 13-15% Body fat. Fast metabolism...runner background. I am not trying to get cut to all hell right now but if I skip two meals I lose 5 pounds (seriously!) I am not terribly strict and will eat whatever. I also throw in brocolli, wild rice, fruit, etc. when I feel like it.

    Below is the basics...I might grab something extra like a Bar from time to time but this is the core of the diet. I supplement with Multi-Vit/Mineral, creatine, BCAA, flaxseed, and glutamine occassionally.

    7AM - 3 or 4 hard boiled eggs - 18-24g P
    9:30AM - MetRx or NitroTech shake, 45-50g P, 6+g C
    12PM - Can/pouch tuna - 33g P
    2:30 - 4-6 Oz. Chicken Breast - 24-34g P
    5PM - Tuna - 33g P
    7:30PM - Chicken Breast - 24-34g P
    10PM - Shake


  2. #2
    spywizard's Avatar
    spywizard is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    In the Gym, if i could
    actually, if you just cut out sugar you would probably get to where you describe you want to be..

    and white bread, milk = sugar as well
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  3. #3
    B.E.N.'s Avatar
    B.E.N. is offline Member
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    So you think my sources of protein are varied enough?

    I do not touch white breads at all...skim milk I love healthy thing you can pick up at the gas station, HA!

    What about fruits? I have been reading that most are have fructose levels that are too high.

  4. #4
    TR'05's Avatar
    TR'05 is offline Member
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    Here is a good little excerpt on fruit from a thread Giants posted (Best Diet discussion we'll ever see.....

    J Hale: A couple that come to mind immediately are the assumption bbers trying to get lean should not eat fruit and bbers over-reliance on supplements. The fear of fruit comes from studies suggesting 50gms or more of fructose per day can upregulate de novo lipogenesis (fat synthesis in liver), increase blood triglycerides, and induce insulin resistance. Keep in mind fruit generally contains 6-7 gms of fructose. That means it would take a bunch of fruit to get 50gms of fructose. The high consumption of fructose seen in most studies is generally due to the consumption of high levels of high fructose corn syrup (processing where varying portions of glucose are converted to fructose). Another consideration is fructose causes minimal insulin secretion. Even if fructose consumption was high enough to elevate fat synthesis lack of insulin would probably result in increased fat oxidation. Assuming calorie deficit it probably all evens itself out at the end of the day. Eat fruit it's nutritious and generally low in calories.

    Jamie Hale is a Sports Conditioning Coach, author, gym owner, fitness and nutrition consultant. He has contributed to numerous exercise and sports publications (nationally and internationally). He has authored four books and is currently working on his fifth. Jamie is a member of the World Marital Arts Hall of Fame in recognition of his conditioning work with Martial Artists. He is considered by most in the industry as a specialist in agility and sledgehammer training. He is also known for his ability to get bodybuilders lean and dry as a bone for competition. To learn more about Jamie visit his website at and

  5. #5
    B.E.N.'s Avatar
    B.E.N. is offline Member
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    Understood...what about the core diet?

  6. #6
    TR'05's Avatar
    TR'05 is offline Member
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    To be honest, there isn't enough info in there (i.e. it's not detailed enough). Just by your list, there are no carbs...other than when you feel like tossing them in.

    You should get a big cooler, cook up all your meals, put them in containers and bring them with you.

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