(patience appreciated)
Wasn't sure if this was the right forum but I need advice on this situation.
About 2 1/2 years ago I was released from prison ok.
In prison you live a VERY strict and ROUTINE life. You eat the SAME minute everyday, and do the same thing everyday, work out the same time, go to bed the same time and wake up the same time.
Back than we didnt have weights where I was, so all I did was calesthetics. And I was actually overweight and out of shape because most of the food was cheap carbs and very little protein.
Ok so I get out. Change from calesthetics to weights and cardio, and I still think about this everyday.. but in 6 months after getting out I changed EVERYTHING about the way I look. I went from chubby and bloated, to having a four pack, nice defined muscles, thin jawline which really accentuated my natural good looks lol.
But this is the thing. I got in shape and stayed in shape for a good year. The thing is I was MOTIVATED and still living on ROUTINE in the freeworld.
Now I still work out, my diets not a mess at all, its pretty decent. But I do eat at different times everyday, and my sleep cycles a complete disaster.
My diet is essentially the same, just that I dont eat at the same time everyday. The only thing thats really changed is timing or routine.
I posted this in the diet forum because I'm sooo lost on where to begin. I never had to count calories or focus on what I was eating when I got out. The fat melted off and the muscle came out of nowhere. I just esssentially ate 3 meals a day, break fast lunch and dinner. Now my routine sort of fluctuates from day to day as far as timing, sleep etc.
I'm starting to think "what the fvck is wrong with me?", "what have I really changed?" and the only answer I can think of is timing. But I'm still eating the right foods, just a bit more than before (but working out harder and doing more cardio to compensate) I'm trying to get in shape and can't understand why and how my body changed so fast when I got released but now it WILL NOT CHANGE at all.
I'm stuck. I cant post a diet because I dont count calories, I just monitor roughly as I eat and what I'm eating, but in the past I didnt even have to do this.
So my question I guess because this thread is complete chaos.
To what extent here do people (who are in good shape) monitor thier diets? I mean like making a weekly list and eating every food on that list at the exact time, or counting all your protein/carb/fat caloric intake.
How much do you dedicate to this aspect of your routine? I NEVER EVER wrote down shit. When I got out I just stayed away from specific foods and was in excellent shape. Im literally losing my mind trying to figure out why I cant bulk up or lean down or just change ANYTHING about my appearance to look better.
Why *now* do I have to get all finicky about this shit when before I just did what I did and was in great shape?
Any advice would really be appreciated.
And I'm especially curious as to what extent people go to when it comes to thier diet. Like a brief explanation of how far you go to ensure your getting the right proportions. Because I NEVER had to do this before but am thinking about really getting a notebook out and monitoring EVERYTHING I eat and eating EXACTLY what I need.. just that before I was so much more natural about it and had no problems staying in shape.
k rant over.
Any help greatly appreciated.