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  1. #1
    astrix79 is offline Junior Member
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    Mar 2006

    Going insane soon---how long without a cheat meal!!!???


    im on my 5th week cutting diet,and i have hade only 2 cheat meals
    i eat 1 cheat meal on every other sunday,,,its F**** hard

    im also doing this cykle
    Testo E 600mg ew
    EQ 900mg ew
    Masteron 800mg ew
    Anavar 100mg ed
    i also run ECA and clen ...

    those weeks im off ECA or clen is the hardest cause im hungry 24/7
    sow now im almost 24/7 popping ephedrin to decreace my hunger feeling

    can i do 1 cheat meal on every sunday?
    maximum off 1500-2000 kcal nothing more.......

    i train 5 times week, and i do cardio 6 times @ 45min
    dont wonna f*** it upp

  2. #2
    Johny-too-small's Avatar
    Johny-too-small is offline Vive Memor Leti
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    One cheat a week is fine....

    Also, not to flame, but are you really fat or something? Why so few calories? At this rate, you will lose muscle mass.
    Last edited by Johny-too-small; 06-24-2007 at 10:31 AM.

  3. #3
    eacman65's Avatar
    eacman65 is offline Member
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    I know how you feel, im on my 4th week and I have had no cheat meals. I guess it really ***ends on how cut your tryin to get. I know the first time I cut I had a cheat day once every week, and it was eating junk all day long. And I still dropped a ton of bodyfat. But never really got to the % I wanted to be. This time im going to try it with no cheats and see how it goes. In all reality if your not getting ready for a show or doing this because you are competitive, then its ok to relax once a week and eat something thats going to make you happy. Just bust your ass the other 6 days of the week and you will be fine.

  4. #4
    astrix79 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Johny-too-small
    One cheat a week is fine....

    Also, not to flame, but are you really fat or something? Why so few calories? At this rate, you will lose muscle mass.

    hehe no man im not fat lol
    right now im @ 10% BF
    my goal is 7% and offcource as low as i can go

    im curently on 3000 Kcal a day
    (can i do 1 cheat meal on every sunday?
    maximum off 1500-2000 kcal nothing more).......i mean the cheat meal

    and im not doing my cutting for a show or any competitive,,,just a summer cutt

    the thing is i have a very high diciplin,,,and if i cheat i feel realy bad man
    sounds crazy iknow.....

    what about if i eat my cheat meal lets say about 2000 kcal and 2 hours after that i do cardio for 60min should be ok or? just to burn it out before bed time then i do PWO shake 60g whey and before bed 15gram Glutamin

    man i think im going to the mall and buy some realy nasty food

  5. #5
    Johny-too-small's Avatar
    Johny-too-small is offline Vive Memor Leti
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    Quote Originally Posted by astrix79
    hehe no man im not fat lol
    right now im @ 10% BF
    my goal is 7% and offcource as low as i can go

    im curently on 3000 Kcal a day
    (can i do 1 cheat meal on every sunday?
    maximum off 1500-2000 kcal nothing more).......i mean the cheat meal

    and im not doing my cutting for a show or any competitive,,,just a summer cutt

    the thing is i have a very high diciplin,,,and if i cheat i feel realy bad man
    sounds crazy iknow.....

    what about if i eat my cheat meal lets say about 2000 kcal and 2 hours after that i do cardio for 60min should be ok or? just to burn it out before bed time then i do PWO shake 60g whey and before bed 15gram Glutamin

    man i think im going to the mall and buy some realy nasty food
    Yeah man, enjoy yourself! In reality, you could eat like hell for a week solid and then jump back on diet w/o anything more than a bit of water gain from it all.

  6. #6
    S.P.G's Avatar
    S.P.G is offline AR Workout Scientist
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    lol my cheat starts Friday night and ends Sunday night but i can just bout get away with it...

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