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  1. #1
    Onecks787's Avatar
    Onecks787 is offline New Member
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    Jun 2007
    Los angeles!

    Newbie Diet Help!!

    Okay here I go !! about 8 months ago my weight was about 205 at 5'11 I was fat ass hell the food i was eating then was fast food and about 6-9 cans of c oke a day not including the soda with my meals!!! And I was In the Us navy !!! lol Since then i got out of the military got a job doing constrution so is hard for me to get 6 meals a day ..and now i weigh in at 180-185 at 5'11 and about a week ago I started eating right and stop drinking any soda here is my diet I am doing now i hope you guys can show some light and point me in the right direction ....thanks

    5am - morning protein shake !!
    flax seed oil with 0mega 3
    fish oil
    viatmin C
    multi vatamin
    3 nitrix suplements from GNC...

    9am- protein shake
    1 banana
    3 boiled eggs
    1 cup of grapes
    1 orage
    almonds / walnuts

    12 oclock - salad with chicken breast
    3 more hard boiled eggs
    another banana
    more grapes
    3 more nitrix suplements

    4pm- Brown rice
    one chicken breast

    7pm- Protein Drink last meal....

    and that pretty much it my work out looks like this i run abot 1 mile and a half almost everyday do about 80 push ups a night and been hitting the weights not as hard i want though but i have ..

    Please any suggestions on what i can improve or what i can change let me know ....

  2. #2
    Roidal's Avatar
    Roidal is offline Associate Member
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    Jun 2007
    Breakfast/5am meal, you need to add some carbs in there like oats or barley,
    also try a slow digesting meal or wholefood for the 7pm, like steak, chicken, tuna, cottage cheese with a little fat as well.

  3. #3
    Onecks787's Avatar
    Onecks787 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Los angeles!
    okay i will make sure i go buy all of that today thanks bro

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