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  1. #1
    Kennedy's Avatar
    Kennedy is offline Associate Member
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    Critique Now Cutting Diet

    I would like to get onto a serious diet. I dropped 8 lbs by cutting out carbs after dinner and now would like to go a step further. Current stats

    15-17% BF

    I would like to hit 9-10% BF

    Meal 1: Pro/Carb

    4 hard-boiled eggs (whites only)
    17g Protein/ .3g Carbs/ 3.7g Fat

    38g of whey protein
    21g protein/ 16g Carbs/ 4.5g Fat

    1/2 cup of oats
    5g Protein/ 27g Carb/ 3g Fat

    Meal Totals:
    43g protein / 43.3g carbs / 10.7g fat


    Meal 2: Pro/Fat

    1 tbsp of flax seed oil
    0g Protein/ 0g Carbs/ 14g Fat

    38g of whey protein
    21g protein/ 16g Carbs/ 4.5g Fat

    Meal Totals:
    21g Protien/ 16g Carbs/ 19.5g Fat


    Meal 3: Pro/Carb 1:00 p.m.

    1 Can of Tuna, 1.5 cup romaine lettuce with tomatoes
    19g protein / .2g Carbs

    Meal Totals:
    19g Protein/.2g Carbs



    Meal 4: PWO 5:15 p.m.

    Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast
    50g Protein/3g Fat

    100% dextrose
    80g Carbs (Sub with Oats?)

    Meal Totals:
    50g Protein/80g Carbs/3g Fat

    Meal 5: PPWO 7:30

    1 Can of Tuna, 1.5 cup romaine lettuce with tomatoes
    15g protein / 2g Carbs

    1/4 Cup White Rice
    1.1g Protein/11.1g Carbs/

    Meal Totals:
    16.1g Protein/13.1g Carbs

    Meal 6: Pro/Fat 9:00 p.m.

    38g of whey protein
    21g protein/ 16g Carbs/ 4.5g Fat

    1 tbsp of flax seed oil
    0g Protein/ 0g Carbs/ 14g Fat

    Meal Totals:
    21g Protein/ 16g Carbs/18.5g Fat


    Day Total:
    Protein: 171 grams x 4= 684kcals
    Carbs: 199.8 grams x 4= 674.4
    Fats: 50.7 grams x 9= 456.3

    Kcal Total = 1,814.7

    Daily Supplements:

    L- Arginine: 4g Pre Workout

    10g Total
    5g Preworkout
    5g Post workout

    BCAA 2222:
    6666g Total/ 2222g Morning
    2222g Pre W.O.
    2222g Post W.O.

    Multi Vitamin: Mega Men

    Cardio: 3 x’s / week at 45min @ 65% max heart rate

  2. #2
    Kennedy's Avatar
    Kennedy is offline Associate Member
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    Here are some pics for viewing pleasure



  3. #3
    forgione is offline New Member
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    Jul 2007
    hmm i might be mistaken but i think most of the guys here dont count the protein in their oats into their total intake since oats contain incomplete proteins.. if im totally off someone correct me please, because i havent been counting them

  4. #4
    Kennedy's Avatar
    Kennedy is offline Associate Member
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    Feb 2007
    Well it is only 5g of protein anyway so not really anything big to be concerned about but thanks for the input!

  5. #5
    Kennedy's Avatar
    Kennedy is offline Associate Member
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    Feb 2007

  6. #6
    TR'05's Avatar
    TR'05 is offline Member
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    Will post more later, but what jumps out is the amount of whey you are using in your meals.

    Whole foods are better anyways you cut it for your meals. Also, IMO 1800kcals is very very low...potentially could be sacrificing muscle for energy.

  7. #7
    Kennedy's Avatar
    Kennedy is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks for the response, as for the whey protein....Unless I carry around a big ass cooler thats all I can bring with me to school. So I'm kind of stuck in a rock and a hard place. I use my whey protein three times I believe throughout the day and the last meal I figured should be light so I used the protein shake again. I figured I would be sick of chicken and tuna throughout the day.

  8. #8
    Kennedy's Avatar
    Kennedy is offline Associate Member
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    Feb 2007
    PB? Got anything for me?

  9. #9
    Roidal's Avatar
    Roidal is offline Associate Member
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    Jun 2007
    OK, Here are my suggestions:

    1. You need to add carbs to meal 3, it's a prewo meal and they'll easily be burnt during workout + you need them.

    2. Post workout you don't have to use dextrose, if you include carbs in your prewo meal, it should cover you well untill your next meal.

    3. Try to have cassein/cottage cheese for your last meal instead of that fast absorbing protein powder.


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