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  1. #1
    FatManExp is offline Junior Member
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    Alittle Help with Morning Workout Diet

    I've been using the following breakdown for my meals, but now I am forced to work out first thing in the morning. Can anyone suggest what adjustments I need to make to move my pre and post workout meals ?

    M4: PWO

  2. #2
    HowIdo's Avatar
    HowIdo is offline Junior Member
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    I would add some Carbs in Meal 3. About an hour to and hour and a half before your workout. I take a pwo shake of protein/dextrose/maltodexrin and it has been working great for me so you could try that immediately after you workout. Then about an hour to an hour and a half after the shake have a solid meal such as chicken and brown rice or a sweet potato.

    Mainly you need carbs for breakfast, pre-workout and post-workout IMO. The carbs before my workout really help me from passing out at the gym....

  3. #3
    AddMoreMass's Avatar
    AddMoreMass is offline Banned
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    This is Edited, especially for bodybuilders and is perfect to eat before your morning workout.

    After your workout you should have a whey protein shake in water, not milk, since it is assimilated faster in water. If you have it in milk it puts a strain on your pancreas and gives you a lethargic feeling till your body finishes processing it.

    One hour after your protein shake you need to eat a meal high in clean complex carbs like rice and have at least 30-50 grams of high quality protein like beef or chicken.



  4. #4
    Information is offline Information
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    Jul 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by AddMoreMass
    This is Edited, especially for bodybuilders and is perfect to eat before your morning workout.

    After your workout you should have a whey protein shake in water, not milk, since it is assimilated faster in water. If you have it in milk it puts a strain on your pancreas and gives you a lethargic feeling till your body finishes processing it.

    One hour after your protein shake you need to eat a meal high in clean complex carbs like rice and have at least 30-50 grams of high quality protein like beef or chicken.


    AddMoreMass, You cannot post links to other sites. Post edited.

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  5. #5
    C_Bino's Avatar
    C_Bino is offline $BAM-7246~AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by AddMoreMass
    This is Edited, especially for bodybuilders and is perfect to eat before your morning workout.

    After your workout you should have a whey protein shake in water, not milk, since it is assimilated faster in water. If you have it in milk it puts a strain on your pancreas and gives you a lethargic feeling till your body finishes processing it.

    One hour after your protein shake you need to eat a meal high in clean complex carbs like rice and have at least 30-50 grams of high quality protein like beef or chicken.


    There is a definite need for carbs DIRECTLY after a workout. Also you suggest in the next meal to have 30-50g protein yet you know NOTHING about the thread originator. No stats and no goals. How can you recommend a given macronutrient quantity without these? Pretty poor advice imo.

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