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  1. #1
    anonymous21 is offline Junior Member
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    May 2004

    Basic carb/protein/fat combo questions.

    I'm not looking for any details since there's alot of recommended diets available, but i'm just curious about what the proper split should be for my day.

    Meal 1 - 7:30am

    Meal 2 (Light) - 10:00am

    Gym 11 - 12:30pm
    Meal 3 - 12:30pm

    Meal 4 (Light) - 2:30pm

    Meal 5 - 5:00pm

    Meal 6 (Light) - 7:00pm

    Meal 7 (Light) - 9:30pm

    I have a hard time keeping food down when I have intense heavy lifts so I try not to eat to close to my workout. I know that post workout I need about 40 grams of protein and about 80 grams of carbs or so, my question is what should splits be for the rest of the meal. Ex. Meal1 pro/carbs, Meal 2 pro/fat Meal 3 pro/carbs, etc...... I want to know based upon my workout time and my eating times, what combination should be consumed at each meal. The (Light) stands for light meals while meal 1,3,and 5 are my big meals of the day. Any help would be appreciated thanks guys.

  2. #2
    anonymous21 is offline Junior Member
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    May 2004
    Anyone? Wheres all the knowledgable folks at?

  3. #3
    ckyass's Avatar
    ckyass is offline Associate Member
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    Dont overthink it, its not rocket science. However It depends on if your bulking? Cutting? Maintanice? What are your goals...... If your cutting keep your carbs down to breakfast, and postworkout, and occasional post workout meal. Cycle your carbs from 2-3 days of 3 carbs a day and than for 2 days cut them down to maybe 1 carb meal a day. If your bulking Than keep your carb intake high...... Have ur carbs breakfast, pwo, pwo meal and if you can squeeze one more in that would be ok. Dont really know your goals.... Hope this helped.

  4. #4
    anonymous21 is offline Junior Member
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    May 2004
    Thanks, that did help a lil, but if you are trying to cut and you take that 1 day of just 1 carb meal, would it be post workout?, if so, would you have enough energy to train?

  5. #5
    DNoMac's Avatar
    DNoMac is offline Senior Member
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    I wouldn't necessarily cut it down to one meal a day. Read up on carb cycling, it works wonders. Basically your going to do 3 moderate carb days which your consumption is based on many variables such as cutting, weight, ect. You then have 3 low carb days which is 40% less carbs than your baseline moderate intake. You will then have 1 high carb day which is around 15% above your moderate intake. These are the numbers I've come across a lot. I did this for a while and manipulated the numbers a bit, but not too much. Regardless, as long as you reduce calories and lower your carbs, you should have success.

    I always try to begin the day with carbs (even if it's just a half cup of oats) to get me started. Likewise, I always have carbs in my pwo and ppwo. If it's a low carb day, the majority go in my pwo shake. I usually don't go too low (no less than 100gms/day) so I can distriubte this among 3 meals no problem. Experiment and see what works best for you. It's difficult to say how you will respond without knowing your stats and experience.

  6. #6
    HowIdo's Avatar
    HowIdo is offline Junior Member
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    I would eat like this if i were working out with that schedule:

    M1- Pro/Carb

    M2- Pro/Carb ( Some people do some dont, whatever works best for you)
    M3- Pro/Carb ( Try to make this a fast digesting carb source i.e. Dextrose)

    M4- Pro/Carb (Move to 1:30 p.m.)

    M5- Pro/Fat

    M6- Pro/Fat

    M7- Pro/Fat

    Hope this helps man, try posting complete macros if you want a more in depth answer. Good luck man

  7. #7
    anonymous21 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    May 2004
    thanks ...that's what i was looking for, perfect!

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