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  1. #1
    Slaiv is offline Banned
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    Turkey Bacon!! No way!!

    this cant be possible!!

    this stuff tastes delicious!!!

    BUT !! How is this good for me?!

    im on a cutting diet, so im really watching what i eat since im trying to lose some bf%, but all i see is 35 calories, 3g of fat, 1g sat fat, 187mg of sodium, 2 carbs and 2g of protien

    how is this good for me? someone said its lean protein, but i mean come on, its only 2g of it, and look at all the calories and fat per slice? i can do 3 slices of turkey bacon in about 2 tbsp of whey -_-

    can somone shine some light on this newbie on why it IS actually good for you?

    or am i right, turkey bacon is NOT ideal for a cutting diet

    thanks in advance everyone!!

  2. #2
    takedownII's Avatar
    takedownII is offline Member
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    604 love turkey bacon huh!?? your last 5 posts have been all about you should buy stock in it or somethinglol..

    i actually get some stuff that only has a 1/2 gram of fat....

    i don't neccessarily think it's GOOD for you, but it is a great alternative to the typical breakfast meats like sausage or real bacon....i like it because i get sick of the monotony of eating the same stuff every morning...that is the real beauty imo, it just changes things up a bit and to me thats priceless..

    i only eat 2 slices which is only 1 gram of fat total...not to bad imo!

  3. #3
    PEWN's Avatar
    PEWN is offline AR Addict
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    this was already discussed... .... it has been bumped numerous times and easy to find.....

    but yea that stuff is goodl..

  4. #4
    PEWN's Avatar
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    i think he is a spokeperson for it...

  5. #5
    Slaiv is offline Banned
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    lol, and i did go buy some at walmart, the butterball kind, so basically its just to spice things up without adding to much of the bad stuff huh?

    i thought it was purely good for you :'(

    i GUESS i can have a slice ONCE in a while.... maybe more like ONCE a week :-P

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