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Thread: Clenbuterol and carb intake

  1. #1

    Clenbuterol and carb intake

    Hey bros been reading on for about a year now but just finally joined. Quick question. I have been seeing in various places that medium carb intake is reccomended to obtain maximum results while on clenbuterol. However I am not sure if this is in regard to clen's fat burning capabliites or for its supposed muscle building abilities. I am starting a clen/t3 cycle with the hope of cutting and am wondering what general type of dieting guideline would be best. I usually alternate between a 40/40/20 and keto diets when I am cutting or basically just not bulking. I have also read that t3 is not really necessary when already cutting carbs. So my question is, what general diet scheme should I be following to maximixe results while on clen and t3? I am not asking to be spoonfed specifics, I basically just concerned over my carb intake. Thanks

  2. #2
    hey hows it going bro i am also new to the forum and asked the same question, forgot how sent me this but i will post it on here for you it was in the clen handbook on here i dont know if you read it or not

    pro intake- 1-1.5g x Body weight

    Carb intake- 0.5-1g x body weight

    fat intake - 0.25 x body weight

    thats wat i read hope it helps i to am going to start my clen cycle good luck

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Donkey calf raises
    Quote Originally Posted by Jared_S
    Hey bros been reading on for about a year now but just finally joined. Quick question. I have been seeing in various places that medium carb intake is reccomended to obtain maximum results while on clenbuterol. However I am not sure if this is in regard to clen's fat burning capabliites or for its supposed muscle building abilities. I am starting a clen/t3 cycle with the hope of cutting and am wondering what general type of dieting guideline would be best. I usually alternate between a 40/40/20 and keto diets when I am cutting or basically just not bulking. I have also read that t3 is not really necessary when already cutting carbs. So my question is, what general diet scheme should I be following to maximixe results while on clen and t3? I am not asking to be spoonfed specifics, I basically just concerned over my carb intake. Thanks
    hey bro, welcome.

    i run the same macro's while cutting, and i have ran clen alot, so no prob here. my carbs are usually at about 130-ish.and always have great resluts. just keep your cardio up.

  4. #4
    wat i replyed wit does that sound right i need the same advice

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Donkey calf raises
    Quote Originally Posted by GO_Deep27
    wat i replyed wit does that sound right i need the same advice
    thats way to broad of a scale, it really depends on your own personal stats/history and likes.

  6. #6
    Thanks man, exactly the answer I was looking for.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    in a dilapidated apt.
    you need to learn more about dieting techniques before you waste money on clen. if you can cut with carbs first... then you're ready to CONSIDER clen. hard work is the best magic pill.

  8. #8
    I appreciate the advice, but I am obsessive with my diet, I have spreadsheets of everything I have eaten for the last year and a half(with the exception of the last 4 weeks because I was traveling). Hence, I need to cut a little. I get the best results drastically reducing carbs (got down to 5% completely cutting carbs for three months a year and a half ago) but I also destroyed my body and lost a ton of muscle so i wont be doing that ever again. I am a collegiate tennis player so cardio is not really a problem either but I need to get back in shape quick, my coaches didnt want me gone for this long to begin with and if i show up for camp not looking as cut as when I left I am going to catch alot of shit.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    in a dilapidated apt.
    clen can show up in drug tests so be careful.

    second. have you ever cut with carbs protein and minimal fat?
    if not do it and you'll love the results

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