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  1. #1
    lightwaytbaby's Avatar
    lightwaytbaby is offline "Anabolic Reviews Affliction"
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    Exclamation Carb Cycling Diet...Pease critique!

    ok here goes nothing...and please be as brutal as possible *please note i have done keto diets in the past and have been successful, yet felt like crap, looked very flat, and hated going to the gym. Im very sensitive to carbs, so im going to give this an honest attempt, yet you will notice my carbs wont be insanely high on "high" carb days.

    *also note fish and or flax oil will be consumed throughout the day.

    -Im going to start out by going High/low/None/Repeat... with a total of six meals...The days are as follows:

    High day:
    meal 1- 12 egg whites & 1 cup minimum of oats.+ 1 serving of fruit.
    meal 2- 8 oz. chicken breast with 1 cup of greens.
    meal 3- 8oz. sirloin & large potatoe baked plain. 1 serving of fruit8oz.
    meal 4- PWO shake 60g dextrose 75g protein. 1 serving of fruit.
    meal 5- 8oz. sirloin & large potatoe or 1 cup of brown rice. 1 serving of fruit.
    meal 6- 8oz. orange ruffie with 2 tbsp. natural peanut butter.

    -Approx- 350-400g carbs & 350g protein.

    Low day:
    meal 1-12 egg whites & 1/2 cup of oats. 1 serving of fruit.
    meal 2- 8oz. sirloin & 2 tbsp. natural peanut butter.
    meal 3- lean protein 8oz (fish/chicken) with potatoe. 1 serving of fruit.
    meal 4- PWO shake 60g dextrose 75g protein. 1 serving of fruit.
    meal 5- 8oz. sirloin with 1/2 cup of oats. 1 serving of fruit.
    meal 6- 8oz. orange ruffie with 1 cup of greens.

    -Approx. 200g carbs & 350g of protein.

    NO carb day :
    meal 1- 12 egg whites
    meal 2- 8 oz. chicken breast with 1 cup of greens.
    meal 3- 8oz. sirloin with 2 tbsp. natural peanut butter.
    meal 4- 75g whey protein PWO. *(will do 1 hour of cardio on all no carb days, and will use as rest day when possible)
    meal 5- 8oz. orange ruffie with 1 serving of greens.
    meal 6- 8oz. sirloin with 2 tbsp. natural peanut butter

    -Approx. 0 carbs from straight carb sources & 350g protein.

    - side note. may add an extra whey or casein protein befor bed.
    -so let me know what you think guys. Thanks for all your input.
    Last edited by lightwaytbaby; 09-04-2007 at 08:53 PM.

  2. #2
    lightwaytbaby's Avatar
    lightwaytbaby is offline "Anabolic Reviews Affliction"
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    please also note that i will begin a cycle while starting this diet.

    a very simple cycle will suffice throught this diet.

    1-10 test prop 100mg ed
    1-8 fina 100mg ed
    1-8 mast 75mg ed
    6-10 winny inject 100mg ed
    1-4 100mcg igf-1 then weeks 7-10.

  3. #3
    PEWN's Avatar
    PEWN is offline AR Addict
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    so your injection 4 mls a day...?

  4. #4
    lightwaytbaby's Avatar
    lightwaytbaby is offline "Anabolic Reviews Affliction"
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    5,559 test is 100prop/100tren per ml
    then 3/4 cc of mast.
    last 4 weeks will be 3/4 cc of winny (high dose per ml)

  5. #5
    lightwaytbaby's Avatar
    lightwaytbaby is offline "Anabolic Reviews Affliction"
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    And here are the macros split down per meal...

    macros shown as (pro/fat/carb):

    High day:
    meal 1- 12 egg whites & 1 cup minimum of oats.+ 1 serving of fruit.(60/0/70)
    meal 2- 8 oz. chicken breast with 1 cup of greens.(50/0/0)
    meal 3- 8oz. sirloin & large potatoe baked plain. 1 serving of fruit8oz. (50/20/60)
    meal 4- PWO shake 60g dextrose 75g protein. 1 serving of fruit.(will be seperate-(75/0/75)
    meal 5- 8oz. sirloin & large potatoe or 1 cup of brown rice. 1 serving of fruit.(50/20/75)
    meal 6- 8oz. orange ruffie with 2 tbsp. natural peanut butter.(50/15/0)

    Low day:
    meal 1-12 egg whites & 1/2 cup of oats. 1 serving of fruit.(60/0/40)
    meal 2- 8oz. sirloin & 2 tbsp. natural peanut butter.(50/35/0)
    meal 3- lean protein 8oz (fish/chicken) with potatoe. 1 serving of fruit.(50/0/50)
    meal 4- PWO shake 60g dextrose 75g protein. 1 serving of fruit.(75/0/75)
    meal 5- 8oz. sirloin with 1/2 cup of oats. 1 serving of fruit.(50/20/40)
    meal 6- 8oz. orange ruffie with 1 cup of greens.(50/0/0)

    NO carb day :
    meal 1- 12 egg whites(50/0/0)
    meal 2- 8 oz. chicken breast with 1 cup of greens.(50/0/0)
    meal 3- 8oz. sirloin with 2 tbsp. natural peanut butter.(50/35/0)
    meal 4- 75g whey protein PWO. (75/0/0/)
    meal 5- 8oz. orange ruffie with 1 serving of greens.(50/0/0)
    meal 6- 8oz. sirloin with 2 tbsp. natural peanut butter.(50/35/0)

  6. #6
    smokeyd's Avatar
    smokeyd is offline Grade A Whore/Banned
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    im interested because im cuttin with a super low carb diet right now, less than 15g a day and wondering how much better these style will work, so keep us posted lightwayt

  7. #7
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    i would never have a meal of just pro/carb.. the blood glucose isnt nearly as stable as if u added some good fats in there to aid in digestion.

    definetly throw in some yogurt for good bacteria.

    i would never spike insulin pwo, and sure as hell wouldnt use dextrose to do it.
    i'd actually ommit protein shakes as much as possible.

    i'd incorporate metamucil in as many meals as possible to aid in digestion/blood sugar control.

    i talked w/ goose about my carb cycling methods before and my nutrionist has me go in reverse i.e. go ketoic for bout 3 days then gradually incorp carbs in for 2-3 days as in a GRADUAL REFEED type of protocol... where as most do a high med low low type of regimen.

    basically right now im dieting and i keep my cals in a 1200 caloric deficite for bout 5-6 days then have a refeed where i eat pretty much any and everything i want assuming i dont go over 600-800 calorie excess of maintaince.

  8. #8
    moush's Avatar
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    i ran the high, med, low carb cycling diet but i had my rotations changing, and getting more difficult as the diet progressed. I had great success as you can see in my member pics under MY TRANSFORMATION. I enjoyed it and i felt amazing, kept my muscle mass and leaned out to 6% bf...although it may not look like it because of my excess skin.

  9. #9
    smokeyd's Avatar
    smokeyd is offline Grade A Whore/Banned
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    got any good books on carb cycling you guys know of? or post for that matter.

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