I have paid a lot of attention to the diets members of this board use, and they , combined with aas, are clearly working well. My concern is about the amount of detail that goes into the food planning. As i continue to grow, will I need to tighten my diet to this extreme. ie. weight of food portions and disecting carbs, protien, fat etc? I pay a lot of attention to all of these things, but not as robotic as many members on this board (robotic is meant as a compliment) . I regularly eat boiled chicken, tuna, eggs (mostly whites) brown rice, oatmeal, peanut butter, broccoli, wheat pastas, whole wheat breads, and take in a fair amount of protien thru shakes and meal replacement bars. My caloric intake ranges from 2400-3000 per day, and I'm generally taking in 200% of the suggested daily value of protien listed on nutritional values. I allow myself to have one "cheat meal" per week (gotta take the wife out). Would you consider my diet to need a lot more control, or does this seem fairly reasonable to continue putting on lean mass? I have not yet gone to aas, still looking to gain naturally.

Thanks in advance!