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  1. #1
    ascendant's Avatar
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    question regarding the importance of the GI of foods?

    well for my pre-WO meal, i have 8oz of chicken breast with red potatoes and 1/2tbs of olive oil (and seasoning) on the potatoes. now, i know microwaving potatoes brings up the GI more than cooking them in the oven, but i simply don't have the time to do them in the oven and the microwave is just far far more convenient for me. however, i like to cook them a lot so they dry up a bit and i can scarf down more cause they're less filling. i know this probably brings the GI up quite dramatically, so here's my question...

    between eating the chicken first to slow down digestion and the added olive oil to even further the digestion rate, do you think this is acceptable for a pre-WO meal or do you think those carbs are gonna get digested too quickly? i usually work out about an hour after finishing the meal and my stomach still feels as if it has food in it, so i would imagine it's not going through me that quickly. i've also heard many people lately saying not to worry so much about the GI of foods cause the protein and/or fat we eat with it helps to slow it's digestion down.

    oh, and before you suggest yams, you better have something damn good to put on it that can kill it's taste, cause i can't stand the taste of yams and get sick of them in a very short period of time. i eat healthy, but i still need to keep my sanity .

  2. #2
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    i have 2 nutrionist and they both tell me the exact same thing
    the GI is WAY over rated.. and has too many variables.

    eating protein first is a common trend i see preached alot.. but think bout it.. YOUR food is not INSTANTLY digested.. its still going to congregate in your stomach.
    OILS arent going to slow down digestion much as fats and carbs are digested differently.. the only time i would consider fat a controll factor in the RATE of digesiton is with FATTY meats which will have a slower protein/amino acid release rate.

    hell if u wanna microwave ur damn taters go for it.. i mean to give you an example
    do you think there is really a significant difference in eating ur oatmeal Un coooked vs boiling it to a mush? its the fiber that will make the biggest contribution to the GI rating.

  3. #3
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    its still cal in vs cal out

  4. #4
    ascendant's Avatar
    ascendant is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    i have 2 nutrionist and they both tell me the exact same thing
    the GI is WAY over rated.. and has too many variables.

    eating protein first is a common trend i see preached alot.. but think bout it.. YOUR food is not INSTANTLY digested.. its still going to congregate in your stomach.
    OILS arent going to slow down digestion much as fats and carbs are digested differently.. the only time i would consider fat a controll factor in the RATE of digesiton is with FATTY meats which will have a slower protein/amino acid release rate.

    hell if u wanna microwave ur damn taters go for it.. i mean to give you an example
    do you think there is really a significant difference in eating ur oatmeal Un coooked vs boiling it to a mush? its the fiber that will make the biggest contribution to the GI rating.
    thanks for the info bro. damn, u sure do spend a lot of time helping people out on the boards here. good stuff!

    as far as the protein thing you mentioned, that's what i thought as well. i just did it cause it doesn't make much difference to me what i eat first and all and figured i'd do it just in case it made any difference at all. i think if you're a real slow eater it might make a little difference, but i agree with you completely that regardless, it's still gonna take time to digest. didn't know that one about the fats though. not sure where i got the info, but i had read somewhere something about fat taking longer to digest. then again, can't trust everything you read.

  5. #5
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by ascendant
    thanks for the info bro. damn, u sure do spend a lot of time helping people out on the boards here. good stuff!

    as far as the protein thing you mentioned, that's what i thought as well. i just did it cause it doesn't make much difference to me what i eat first and all and figured i'd do it just in case it made any difference at all. i think if you're a real slow eater it might make a little difference, but i agree with you completely that regardless, it's still gonna take time to digest. didn't know that one about the fats though. not sure where i got the info, but i had read somewhere something about fat taking longer to digest. then again, can't trust everything you read.
    Fat takes a boat load longer to digest.. this is because fat is digested in ur intestines and carbs are practically digested once they hit ur saliva.

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