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  1. #1
    dan476's Avatar
    dan476 is offline New Member
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    Sep 2004

    Unhappy Started Cutting now sick

    Hey guys, i started 2 weeks ago, cardio in the morning, work out after work and dieting. 2 weeks into it i got sick (last tuesday). I was on treadmill and i was feeling like shit, so i finished my 45 mins and stepped off, I felt like i am gonna vomit, but i didn't. I decided not to go to the gym that day, and stayed at home until today. My nose plugged up and all other cold related shit, but along with cold, I also got (stomache?) problem. every time i eat after a little while it feels like there is an air pocked stuck in my upper tract. Keep burping up a lot of saliva but it doesn't feel acidy like stomache acid. I just went to the gym and same thing almost got sick while lifting. wtf? never had this kinda shit before. cold or should i go see a doc?

  2. #2
    ricker35910's Avatar
    ricker35910 is offline Associate Member
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    Sep 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by dan476
    Hey guys, i started 2 weeks ago, cardio in the morning, work out after work and dieting. 2 weeks into it i got sick (last tuesday). I was on treadmill and i was feeling like shit, so i finished my 45 mins and stepped off, I felt like i am gonna vomit, but i didn't. I decided not to go to the gym that day, and stayed at home until today. My nose plugged up and all other cold related shit, but along with cold, I also got (stomache?) problem. every time i eat after a little while it feels like there is an air pocked stuck in my upper tract. Keep burping up a lot of saliva but it doesn't feel acidy like stomache acid. I just went to the gym and same thing almost got sick while lifting. wtf? never had this kinda shit before. cold or should i go see a doc?
    you need to take supplements while cutting so you don't get sick. vit c, vit e, vit b, multi min

  3. #3
    bulldawg_28's Avatar
    bulldawg_28 is offline Senior Member
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    Do yoga not steroids!!!
    If this keeps up for a day or two longer, I'd go and see a doc. Sounds to me it might be the flu, or you might have eaten something that wasn't properly cooked or prepared. In the mean time, keep plenty of liquids down, keep taking your multi-v, and try to keep some food down, and make sure you don't cross-contaminate, and properly cook your food!! Good luck man.

  4. #4
    dan476's Avatar
    dan476 is offline New Member
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    Sep 2004
    this been on for about a week now, and I was taking multi's and Glutamine.
    i think my throat started bugging me first when i took some creatine pills, like 4 of them, and i gulped that shit down, right then and there i felt like there was a clump in my throat, ever since then (just over a week ago) i've had this throat feeling, then 2 days later i got all stuffed up and green gobs of shit draining outta my nose. so got cold. now a combination of everything, making me feel like shit. I think i might go see a doc tomorrow.

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