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Thread: 2nd attempt at diet, critique please!! (come on Tai!!)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2007
    H-Town Baby!

    2nd attempt at diet, critique please!! (come on Tai!!)

    ok here goes

    Fat - Carb - Pro

    Meal 1

    4oz chicken 1 / 0 / 24
    2 egg white, 1 whole 4 / 0 / 16
    1/2 cup of oatmeal 1 / 26 / 2
    1 scoop of whey 1 / 3 / 24
    8.0z water

    Meal 2

    3oz Tuna 1 / 1 / 21
    1 serving of fat free strawberry yogurt 0 / 16 / 9
    1 scoop whey with water 1 / 3 / 24

    Meal 3

    baked potatoe (wendy's $1 !!!) 0.5 / 27 / 3
    4oz chicken 1 / 0 / 24
    1 scoop of whey with water 1 / 3 / 24

    Meal 4 (Pre Workout)

    2 scoops whey with water 2 / 6 / 48
    1/4 cup of oats 0.5 / 13 / 1

    Meal 5 (post workout)

    6oz tilapia 1.5 / 0 / 23
    1 cup of romain lettuce (dark green, organic) 0 / 4 / 0
    1 cup of broccoli lightly steamed 0 / 4.5 / 0
    1/2 green bell peppers 0 / 3 / 0
    dash of lemon pepper salt 0 / 0 / 0
    1 scoop of whey with water 1 / 3 / 24

    Meal 6

    1/2 cup of mixed nuts 14 / 11 / 9
    1 scoop of whey with water 1 / 3 / 24

    total 31.5g fat, 127.5g of Carbs, 300g Protein


    Oh btw !!!

    If this is in fact a GOOD diet, can i eat this EVERYDAY ?!?!?!

    you know, eat it 6 days a week and be able to lean up, gain muscle and get in shape??

    or do i have to keep changing my sources of nutrients? if you guys are thinking ill get bored with this particular diet, I WONT !!! This is by far the most easiest and cheapest one i have made up that fits GREAT with my macros and keeps me full from when i wake up till i go to bed!!

    so if i can make this my diet Mon. - Sat., is it ok? or "No Slaiv, sorry, but you have to change it up a bit"

    THANKS everyone for your help !!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Do yoga not steroids!!!
    The only thing I'd do is add 1/2 cup of oats for pwo. Other than that good job.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    H-Town Baby!
    1/2 a cup?!

    hmm..... ok... ill give it a try, THANKS ALOT BULL !!!!

    OH WAIT !!!

    can i live off this diet everyday?! or i cant?!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2007
    H-Town Baby!
    1/2 a cup?!

    hmm..... ok... ill give it a try, THANKS ALOT BULL !!!!

    OH WAIT !!!

    can i live off this diet everyday?! or i cant?!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Less whey, more real food... Whey is too quick digesting for a bedtime meal.... I'd add a postworkout shake with whey and maltodextrin/dextrose

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2007
    H-Town Baby!
    maltodextrin dextrose?!?!

    isnt that a kind of sugar??

    on another note, thats why im eating peanuts with my whey, slow down the digestion a bit

    and another thing, can i eat this everyday?!?! can i actually do this 6 times a week? or i cant?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Dextrose is a kind of sugar, causes an insulin spike postworkout which helps to get glycogen to your muscles and repair them... maltodextrin is a complex carbohydrate powder.

    I don't see why you couldn't eat it 6 times per week... but about the whey/peanuts, it would be much better if you ate a solid protein with the peanuts such as chicken or tuna.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    H-Town Baby!
    dextrose spike my insulin ?!?!?! cant i eat a banana for my post workout? or some blueberries?!

    and maltodextrose is a COMPLEX carb powder?!?!

    really?! so instead of a potatoe, i can take some maltodextrose and it will be the same thing?!? no way !?!?!?!

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    H-Town Baby!
    oh and about dextrose, how its uses are to cause insulin spikes, wont after time and time of uising it i can get diabetes?!?!?!?!?!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Yes, you can eat a banana, they contain fructose and will cause an insulin spike, but the good thing about dextrose powder is it works faster.

    Maltodextrin is a complex carbohydrate powder, yes.

    Potatoes aren't really a good carbohydrate source IMO... not as complex as maltodextrin would be.

    Of course the insulin spike by dextrose depends on how much you take in... if you take in 30-40g, which is a reasonable amount, it's no more sugar than a can of soda or a banana... and I doubt a can of soda per day or a banana will give you diabetes.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    H-Town Baby!
    Quote Originally Posted by AandF6969
    Yes, you can eat a banana, they contain fructose and will cause an insulin spike, but the good thing about dextrose powder is it works faster.

    Maltodextrin is a complex carbohydrate powder, yes.

    Potatoes aren't really a good carbohydrate source IMO... not as complex as maltodextrin would be.

    Of course the insulin spike by dextrose depends on how much you take in... if you take in 30-40g, which is a reasonable amount, it's no more sugar than a can of soda or a banana... and I doubt a can of soda per day or a banana will give you diabetes.
    i like you, your very knowledgeable and you have patience... rest assured im takin notes of EVERYTHING your telling me

    i just read up on malto, they said its made up of several dextrose molecules binded together but a weak bind, so it breaks down easier? i take it they mean that i will digest it faster? i wont feel full as much?

    and this basically contradicts EVERYTHING ive learneds so far on lean sources of nutrients but.... how the hell does powder (maltodextrin) be a much better source of complex carbs than natures own, natural, organic and basically the father of carbs, the potatoe?!?!?!

    thats like you tellin me "O.N. Whey Mega is a much more potent source of protein than some LEAN chicken breast!"

    i mean... i just cant begin to fathom that comment, how is powder>potatoe?!?!?
    Last edited by Slaiv; 09-26-2007 at 06:54 PM.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Moms Basement
    why does it say "cum on tai"

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Slaiv
    i like you, your very knowledgeable and you have patience... rest assured im takin notes of EVERYTHING your telling me

    i just read up on malto, they said its made up of several dextrose molecules binded together but a weak bind, so it breaks down easier? i take it they mean that i will digest it faster? i wont feel full as much?

    and this basically contradicts EVERYTHING ive learneds so far on lean sources of nutrients but.... how the hell does powder (maltodextrin) be a much better source of complex carbs than natures own, natural, organic and basically the father of carbs, the potatoe?!?!?!

    thats like you tellin me "O.N. Whey Mega is a much more potent source of protein than some LEAN chicken breast!"

    i mean... i just cant begin to fathom that comment, how is powder>potatoe?!?!?
    Any other time of day, you're absolutely correct... solid foods are better than powders hands down. But postworkout, you want the nutrients to be broken down and used by your body as quick as possible, while blood is still pumping through your muscles and the carbs and protein can get to them to start rebuilding right away. A bit after your shake, then you go for the real food like chicken/rice or whatever. The purpose of your postworkout shake isn't to feel full, it is to get nutrients to your muscles as quick as possible, and the insulin spike helps this as well.

  14. #14
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    H-Town Baby!
    Quote Originally Posted by AandF6969
    Any other time of day, you're absolutely correct... solid foods are better than powders hands down. But postworkout, you want the nutrients to be broken down and used by your body as quick as possible, while blood is still pumping through your muscles and the carbs and protein can get to them to start rebuilding right away. A bit after your shake, then you go for the real food like chicken/rice or whatever. The purpose of your postworkout shake isn't to feel full, it is to get nutrients to your muscles as quick as possible, and the insulin spike helps this as well.
    omg!!! do you have a paypal account?!?! what your tellin me is pure genius and worth GOLD !!!!

    so ONLY use Matl/Dextrose AFTER a workout!!! PERFECT !!!! and since it only used in moderate amounts, and not insane amount throughout the day like Whey protein, youyr insulin spikes is only PWO and i have nothing to worry about regarding diabetes !!!

    it all makes sense !!!!! AAHHH !!! Your the man !!!! goddamn!!!

  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2007
    H-Town Baby!
    so what do i do?

    what are the servings for malt/dextrose?

    do i mix it with my PWO shake (whey/oats)? or do i take this completely seperate from all that?

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    I like to make pwo shakes with

    75g whey
    40g dextrose
    60g maltodextrin

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    H-Town Baby!
    and then hw long after that shake that you eat your meal?

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    About 1 1/2 hrs-2 hrs

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    H-Town Baby!
    oh ok..... wow... so basically you PWO is like a meal huh?

    so i would be eating 7 times a day?

    ouch :-P alot of food

    you do know i am on a cutting/leaning up diet right?

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Slaiv
    oh ok..... wow... so basically you PWO is like a meal huh?

    so i would be eating 7 times a day?

    ouch :-P alot of food

    you do know i am on a cutting/leaning up diet right?
    I didn't know that, but you can reduce the amount of food you eat at each meal if that's the case... its better for your metabolism to eat more meals throughout the day anyway.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    haha.... ill back up AandF...

    Yes, for PWO shake you want a fast acting protein (whey) and fast acting carb (dextrose). And you want it to be a 2:1 carb/pro ratio. Therefore my PWO shake is 100 grams of dextrose (pure sugar) and 50 grams whey protein.


    at night before bed you want a slow acting protein so it will last the whole night while you sleep. So you want real food i.e. chicken, tuna etc. or at the very least casein protein

    ill help more out tomorrow

  22. #22
    Join Date
    May 2007
    H-Town Baby!
    thank you very much !!!!

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