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Thread: maaajor help needed with ketogenic diet

  1. #1

    Exclamation maaajor help needed with ketogenic diet

    First please read below, and then if any helpful advice can be offerd please share it with me... thanks

    All the reading up on ketogenic dieting that I have done suggest a 7 to 1 ratio of fat to either carbs or protien. (Ex: 7 grams of fat to 1 gram of carb or protien.

    All the sites suggest 70-88 percent fat cals in a ketogenic diet.

    Now this is a serious problem... I cannot eat 210 grams of fat if I consume a chicken breats with appx. 30 grams of protien for a whole bunch of reasons.

    In order to meet this dieting requirment im dividing a pack of tuna in sunflower oil into 5 parts, then adding 2 tbls of cold pressed extra virgin olive oil to it with a dab of hotsauce and handful of celery.

    This is what each meal looks like, I eat this combonation five times a day.

    1) A few bites of sunflower oil tuna with appx. 4.75 grams of protien & 34 calories.

    2) 2 tablespoons of coldpressed extra virgin olive oil into this ... now soup. This consist of 240 calories.

    3) 1 dab of hotsauce... .5 - 1 gram of sugar (varies) and a handful of chopped celery.

    Each meal consist of 274 calories.

    Daily 1,370

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    The Nut House
    Sorry, but I need to ask you these questions:

    Why are you doing this diet? what is your goal here? There may be better ways of achieving them without such drastic dieting measures! This whole 7 to 1 ratio sounds very scary to me!

  3. #3

    Tommarow i will change my foods

    Chicken thighs because of higher fat content with pesto sauce

    Then in between these meals will be whipped cream with splenda and koolaid mix.

    Plenty of water and vitamins taken as well.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by InsaneInTheMembrane
    Sorry, but I need to ask you these questions:

    Why are you doing this diet? what is your goal here? There may be better ways of achieving them without such drastic dieting measures! This whole 7 to 1 ratio sounds very scary to me!

    Im trying to get to a very low bodyfat percent and keep it that way year round. After i would previously get down to a low bodyfat i would eat shitty foods the rest of the year, this time im going to eat clean indeffinitly.

    This is a 12 week cutting cycle that ends the last week of december. During this time im learning as much as i can about diet and weight lifting... thank god for books and testosterone nation (edit.. and this site)

    Right now im also lifting 3 times a week low rep, and doing 45 min of aerobic cardio 2X a day.
    Last edited by newbster; 10-12-2007 at 12:36 PM.

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