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Thread: Cutter

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    Just finished 12 weeks of sus and gained some quality muscle but i want to really rip up in these next 8 weeks. heres the plan and let me know what you think and what ud change

    Weeks 1-8 50mg test prop ED

    Weeks 1-6 Clen, T3 and EPH cycled

    Weeks 4-8 50mg winny injectable ED

    Weeks 2-6 80mcg IGF postwork out

    (All meals about 2-3 hours apart)
    30 mins to 1 hour cardio low intensity on empty stomach

    Meal 1: Oatmeal + protien shake

    Meal 2: chicken breast with nandos peri peri + fruit


    Meal 3: Postwork out shake

    30mins-1hour later

    Meal 4: Whole tin tuna, sweetcorn and jacket potato

    Meal 5: Chicken breast with green veg

    Meal 6: Chicken breast

    Meal 7: Slow releasing protien before bed

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    I wouldn't do 20 weeks on gear for starters.

    I'd swap sweetcorn for a lower GI veg
    MAke meal 6 meal 7 and add some healthy fats to slow digestion, maybe swap the chicken for less lean meat like beef, lamb etc
    Poss drop the fruit if you want to be strict
    Swap the shake in meal 1 for egg whites. 12 egg whites should be approx 455ml which = 50g protein and it is fast digesting (like the whey)

    What's in your PWO shake?
    What's with your normal shake?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    i know the cycle is long but its going to be followed up with the same time off and a good pct, HCG, nolva, armosin.

    why do you say to swap some chicken for a less lean meat?

    i took your advice and had eggwhites this morn only had 8 though, only just saw this post.

    My PWO shake is 50g protien and 50g carbs mostly simple sugars.

    My normal protien powder is USN, Muscle Fuel Dynamic.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Less lean meat is good for variety (not bacon or shit like that, but lamb/beef leanish pork) and is slow digesting. I think variety with protein is good - I try not to eat the same source twice in one day - as you get a good balance of amino acids.

    50g simple sugars is quite a lot on a cutter - I would trial half of this as oats (powdered).

    You don't mix any shakes with milk?

    Try this for brekkie - I live by them: 12 egg whites, 1 cup oats, 1 cal spray; heat pan, bung in egg whites then oats, scramble around until cooked to your liking cover in splenda and cinammon. Sounds ming, tastes lush.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    def going to throw a steak in place of a chicked breast. is it ok to fry the
    steak in a little extra-virgin oil?

    no i dont mix any protien with milk, never have.

    by one cup of oats, is that just porrige oats? 1 cup = ?grams?

    looking ripped on your new pics mate!

    thankx for helping.

    hows your training goin, are you on or off gear at the mo?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    I personally don't fry em. A good non-stick pan shouldn't need it, but if it sticks use 1 cal spray.

    You can buy measuring cups from the supermarkets, but 1 cup = about 100g

    PM'd you.

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