Just finished 12 weeks of sus and gained some quality muscle but i want to really rip up in these next 8 weeks. heres the plan and let me know what you think and what ud change
Weeks 1-8 50mg test prop ED
Weeks 1-6 Clen, T3 and EPH cycled
Weeks 4-8 50mg winny injectable ED
Weeks 2-6 80mcg IGF postwork out
(All meals about 2-3 hours apart)
30 mins to 1 hour cardio low intensity on empty stomach
Meal 1: Oatmeal + protien shake
Meal 2: chicken breast with nandos peri peri + fruit
Meal 3: Postwork out shake
30mins-1hour later
Meal 4: Whole tin tuna, sweetcorn and jacket potato
Meal 5: Chicken breast with green veg
Meal 6: Chicken breast
Meal 7: Slow releasing protien before bed